Anglo-Jewish Miscellanies for Harrow County click here
This site is a collection of miscellanies...historical and genealogical information about the Jewish Community of the United Kingdom. The purpose is to make a modest amount of source material and databases available to researchers. For further information contact Jeffrey Maynard
London Jews Database - first half of Nineteenth century This database, which I compiled mainly from trade directories, subscription lists and a few other sources, has over 6,000 entries. The intention is to provide a tool that will cover the period before UK vital records begin. It actually covers approximately 1790 to 1860. This database is hosted by which is one of the premier and most important sites for Jewish Genealogy. (note - the database is no longer searchable by itself on JewishGen, but has to be searched first along with their other UK databases and then specifically selected. You will need a user name and password from JewishGen.
Jewish Labour and the London Poor in 1851 The year 1851 saw the publication of the first edition of Henry Mayhews masterpiece, London Labour and the London Poor. These extracts describe the working class section of the Jewish community at the time. I have added names and addresses of some mid-nineteenth century Jewish families which are relevant to the extracts. (New April 10, 2000)Jewish Chronicle Birth Marriage and Death announcements to 1869 This is not a complete index, but contains entries that I have collected over many years. Each announcement is fully indexed, including both principal family names and mourners etc.
Jewish Chronicle Birth Marriage and Death announcements 1870-1879. These have been covered in great depth in a "must have " book for those who are interested in this period "The Jewish Victorian" by Doreen Berger. Click here for details.
Jewish Chronicle Birth Marriage and Death announcements 1880-1889 This is not a complete index, but contains entries that I have collected over many years. Each announcement is fully indexed, including both principal family names and mourners etc.
Jewish Chronicle Birth Marriage and Death announcements 1890-1895 This is not a complete index, as above, except for 1894, which is almost completed. Patience - these files are large!
Contributors to the Initiation Society 1886 This list has been taken from the annual report for 1886.
Contributors to the Society for the Aged Poor 1891 This list has been taken from the annual report for 1891.
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Contributors to the Sick Room Helps Society 1907-8
This list has been taken from the annual report for 1907-8. The contributors, mostly female, constitute a representative group of middle-class Anglo-Jewry in Edwardian times.Surnames A-D Surnames E-K Surnames L-R Surnames S-Z
Members of the New Synagogue 1904 Compiled from an original printed list, with some added notes. (Added September 2011).
Members of the Central Synagogue 1909
Jews of Glasgow, Scotland, 1911 Compiled from a subscription list to a book, Midrash Yavetz by Rabbi Jacob Ben Zion Mendelson. (Added December 2015)
The Jubilee Street Great Zionist Synagogue, 1928 Compiled from a subscription list to a book, Diuko shel Yakov, by Rabbi L Levene (Added January 2016)
London Synagogue Officials 1931 This list was compiled mainly from the Jewish Year Book for 1932. I have corrected the spelling of some names, alphabetised the list and added some notes.
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(c) This site copyright Jeffrey Maynard 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015