Jewish Chronicle 1890 to 1895 A-D

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JC 23.11.1894 death

On 5th November at Kansas City, USA, Leon Benjamin, brother of Mrs John Aaron, Mrs Saul Spiers, of Birmingham, Mrs P. E. Van Noorden of London, and Mrs. A. F. Ornstien, Cape Town. 32 Clarendon Rd., Edgebaston. Birmingham.


JC 28.11.1890 return thanks

Mr A and Mr I Isaacs, Mrs Hart, Mrs Aarons - mother 15 Bancroft Rd.


JC 19.8.1892 return thanks

Mr A Isaacs, Mr I Isaacs and Mrs S Hart return thanks...sister Mrs Kate Aarons ...15 Bancroft Rd.


JC 12.10.1894 return thanks

Mr. Emanuel, Mrs Abrahams, Mrs Isaacs and Mrs, Aarons return thanks... for late mother. 120 High Street, Whitechapel.


JC 16.11.1894 births

On 12th November at 65 and 67 Lambeth Walk, the wife of Sidney Aarons of a son.


JC 30.11.1894 death

On 23rd November, Benjamin Aarons, aged 25, formerly of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, West Norwood.


JC 7.9.1894 marriage

On 29th August at 38 Beaufort Rd., Edgbaston, Birmingham, G. Aaronson of Bradford to Ada, daughter of E S Joseph.


JC 18.5.1894 fiance

Sarah Abadee, Melbourne, to Phineas H. Cohen, 198 Grove Rd., London E.


JC 3.8.1894 marriage

On 25th July at the West London Synagogue, Milton, youngest son of the late Louis and Julia Ableson, of Warrington Crescent, Maida Vale, to Florrie, youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. S. Arrobus, of 9, Hungerford Rd., N.


JC 16.2.1894 death

On 6th February at 3, Old Montague St., Whitechapel, Hannah Abraham, widow of Solomon Abraham, in her 82nd year.


JC 11.4.1890 death

On 5th April, Jane (Jennie) aged 26, daughter of Alexander and Rachel Abrahams of 93 High Street, Portsmouth and sister of Isidore Abrahams and Rachel Isaacs of 25 Sigdon Road, Hackney Downs.


JC 12.9.1890 death

On 8th September at 433 Kingsland Rd., David Davis, father of Mrs J Abrahams of 32 Alington Crescent, Dalston.


JC 31.10.1890 in memoriam

In memory of Annie, daughter of Rachel and the late Ellis Abrahams of 2, St Marks St., died October 29th, 1886.


JC 28.11.1890 in memoriam

Louis Judah Abrahams, late of 441 Mile End Rd., died November 1886.


JC 21.8.1891 death

On 17th August at the residence of her brother-in-law, Barnett Salmon, 58 Warrington Crescent, Maida Vale, Julia (nee Gluckstein), wife of Abraham Abrahams of 31 Middlesex St., aged 45.


JC 23.10.1891 death

On 19th October at the residence of her son-in-law, 92 Mildmay Rd., in her 80th year, Rachel, relict of the late Ellis Abrahams.


JC 25.12.1891 death

On 17th December, Samson Abrahams of 20 Alderney Rd., in his 70th year.


JC 15.1.1892 death

On 13th January, Marian, the wife of John Abrahams of 45 Warrington Crescent, Maida Vale, late of 3 Chichester St., Upper Westbourne Terrace.


JC 22.1.1892 return thanks

Mr I Hyman of 295 Tabard St returns thanks..sister Mrs Abrahams.


JC 29.1.1892 return thanks

M John Abrahams, Mr Nathaniel Abrahams and Mrs Charles Samuels return thanks...wife, mother and sister...45 Warrington Crescent, Maida Vale.


JW 3.6.1892 death

On 31st May, Michael Abrahams of 61 Commercial St., second son of the late Henry Abrahams, printer of St Mary Axe, aged 57.


JW 10.6.1892 return thanks

Mr B H Abrahams, brother and sister, return thanks - brother, 93 The Grove, Camberwell, SE.


JC 5.8.1892 in memoriam

Julia, wife of Abraham Abrahams of 31 Middlesex St., died 17.8.1891.


JC 19.8.1892 death

On 12th August, Adelade Hart, sister of Mrs I Abrahams, 212 Whitechapel Rd., and Mrs B Hart., 298 Mare St Hackney.


JC 30.9.1892 birth

On 23rd September at the "Queens Head", Cambridge Rd., the wife of Morris Abrahams of a son.


JC 17.2.1893 death

On 11th February at his residence, 334 Mile End Rd., Joshua Levy in his 53rd year. Eldest brother of Henry Levy of the "Horse and Groom", Church Lane, Whitechapel, and Mrs B Hart, 298 Mare St., Hackney, and Mrs I Abrahams, 212 Mile End Rd.


JC 2.3.1894 birth

On 27th February at 71 Gascony Avenue, NW, the wife of Morris Hirsch (née Julia Abrahams) of a son.


JC 9.3.1894 marriage

On 6th March at the New West End Synagogue, St. Petersburgh Place, by the Rev. S. Singer, father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. M. Abrahams, brother of the bridegroom, and by the Rev. John Harris, Israel, son of the late Rev. Barnett Abrahams, B. A. to Freda, only daughter of the Rev. S. Singer.


JC 6.4.1894 return thanks

Mr. A. Moryoseph, Mrs. Abrahams and family and Mrs. Lang and son return thanks…their late lamented brother and uncle. 1 Petherton Rd., N.


JC 13.4.1894 marriage

On 28th March at the North London Synagogue, Louis S. Prager, of Regent St., W., to Maude Ester Abrahams, daughter of Mrs. Charles Abrahams, of Clephane Rd., Canonbury.


JC 20.4.1894 birth

On 18th April at the "Queen’s Head", Cambridge Rd., NE., the wife of Morris Abrahams (née Milly Phillips) of a son.


JC 18.5.1894 death

On 14thMay at 22 Randolph Crescent, Margery, youngest child of John and Esther Abrahams, aged 4 years and 9 months.


JC 15.6.1894 marriage

On 5th June at the Central Synagogue, Great Portland St., esther, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Herman Alexander of 56 Sandringham Rd., Dalston, to David Abrahams, only son of Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahams of 4, West St., Regents St.


JC 6.7.1894 birth

On 3rd July at 155 Sutherland Avenue, Maida Vale, the wife of S. G. Abrahams (née Hannah Salmon) of a son.


JC 13.7.1894 death

On 8th July at 17, Springfield Rd., St. John’s Wood, NW., Ann, widow of Abraham Abrahams, aged 89.


JC 3.8.1894 death

On 1st August at 18, St Paul’s Rd., Canonbury, Bertram Samuel, son of Jack and Bertha Abrahams, aged 8 months.


JC 3.8.1894 return thanks

Mr Moss Joel and children, with Mr A Abrahams, Mr C. Abrahams, Nrs B Hyams, Mrs S Davis and Mrs B Levy return thanks...wife, mother sister and daughter, Esther Joel. 90 Mile End Rd.


JC 7.9.1894 marriage

On 5th September at North London Synagogue, Frances, daughter of Mr & Mrs M Cohen of Oakley Crescent, N., to Isidore Abrahams of Park House, Grosvenor Rd., N.


JC 14.9.1894 birth

On 8th September at 5 Cornwall Mansions, Clarence Gate, NW., the wife of Victor E. Abrahams of a son.


JC 28.9.1894 birth

On 25th September at Fair View, Broomsleigh St., West Hampstead, the wife of Charles Abrahams of a daughter


JC 5.10.1894 return thanks

Mrs. Louis Abrahams returns thanks... sister Mrs. Rosa Cohen of Liverpool. 610 Mile End Rd.


JC 12.10.1894 return thanks

Mr. Emanuel, Mrs Abrahams, Mrs Isaacs and Mrs, Aarons return thanks... for late mother. 120 High Street, Whitechapel.


JC 16.11.1894 marriage

On 14th November at the Bayswater Synagogue, Alfred Salmon of 14 West Kensington Gardens, the eldest son of Barnett Salmon, Esq., to Frances Abrahams, eldest daughter of Abraham Abrahams of 155 Sutherland Avenue.


JC 23.11.1894 death

On 17th November at 115 Houndsditch, Jane Abrahams, aged 29, daughter of Benjamin Abrahams.


JC 21.12.1894 marriage

On 5th June last, Henry T. Lewis, of 71 Maida Vale, W., to Florence May, daughter of R. Abrahams, Esq., of 84 Prtsdown Rd., W. "At Home" at 39 Lanark Villas, W., on the 30th inst.


JC 28.12.1894 death

On 20th December in her 71st year, Molka, wife of Nathan Abrahams, of 7 Hutchison Avenue, Aldgate.


JC 28.12.1894 death

On 24th December, Abraham, brother of John M. Marks, of 42 Caledonian Rd., King’s Cross, and Sophia Abrahams, of 96 St. Thomas’s Rd., N.


JC 18.1.1895 marriage

On 6th June at Great Synagogue, Laurence, 2nd son of Isaac and Jane Abrahams of 212 Whitechapel Rd., to Elizabeth, only daughter of Barnett and Annie Hart of 298 Mare St., Hackney.


JC 25.1.1895 fiance

Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. I De Costa of Anglesea House, 93, London Rd., Brighton, to Phil Abrahams of 8 Queen Sq., Aldersgate St., London, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. I Abrahams.


JC 1.2.1895 death

On 24th January at 230 New North Rd., Islington, John Abrahams, father of Abraham Abrahams of 155 Sutherland Avenue, Age 92. Father of Mrs J Benjamin, 10 Elmore St., N., & Mrs Henry Phillips, 28 High St., Aldgate.


JC 8.2.1895 marriage

On 31st January at Bayswater Synagogue, John, eldest son of Abraham Abrahams of 155 Sutherland Avenue, to Amy Evelyn, 2nd daughter of the late Joseph Benjamin of 53 Highbury New Park.


JC 15.3.1895 death

LEVY - on 10th March at his residence, the "Horse & Groom", Church Lane, Whitechapel, Henry Levy, youngest brother of Mrs. I Abrahams, 212 Whitechapel Rd., and Mrs. B Hart, 298 Mare St.


JC 19.4.1895 death

On 16th April, at the residence of her daughter, 5 Waterloo Rd., Julia, relict of the late Morris Abrahams, sister of Mr. Edward Jacobs, 31 Gower St., Mr. Samuel Jacobs, 59 Gower St., and Mrs. A Isaacs, 115A Long Acre.


JC 21.6.1895 death

ABRAHAMS - On 17th June at her residence, 10 Gascony Avenue, Kilburn, Clara, relict of the late Nathan Abrahams and sister of Woolf Harris of 30 Commercial Rd and Mrs Godfrey Phillips of 79 Nichol Sq.


JC 24.8.1894 birth

DRIELSMA - On 16th August at 25 British St., Bow, the wife of H Drielsma (better known as Adams) of a daughter.


JC 16.11.1894 births

On 11th November at 49 Shirland Rd., W, The wife of M Adelberg (née Jacob) of a daughter,


JC 20.4.1894 death

On 15th April at 76 Elgin Avenue, W., Louisa Priscilla, daugher of Mrs. E. Nathan, and sister of Reuben Adler, aged 26.


JC 4.5.1894 marriage

On April 30th at the New West End Synagogue, Henry Louis Albert, M.R.C.S., L.D.S., youngest son of Meyer Albert, of 48 The Grove, Hammersmith, to Lilian Frances, second daughter of David Henry Davis, of 16 De Vere Gardens, W.


JC 4.5.1894 death

On 26th April, at 9, Arthur St., Camberwell, Rosie, only daughter of Adelaide Alder, aged two years.


JC 20.7.1894 return thanks

Wilson John Jacobs, Rose Alderley, Mary Ann Wilson, Emanuel and fred Jacobs, of Havre, likewise Samuel Jacobs, Wellington St., and J. W. Jacobs, Boro’, London return thanks…


JC 6.7.1894 death

On 3rd July at 79 Shirland Rd., W., Harriet, wife of S. C. Silverstone, and sister of the late Ephraim Alex, in her 82nd year.


JC 5.1.1894 birth

On 29th December 1893 at "Romney", Wellington Rd., Bow, the wife of Dr. Frederick William Alexander, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., D.P.H., Medical Officer of Health of Bromley-by-Bow and Poplar, of a daughter.


JC 5.1.1894 marriage

On 28th December (1893) at Henley, George, second son of Rose and the late N. J. Alexander of Eton, to Nell, fifth daughter of Benjamin Glasse, of Watlington, Oxon.


JC 15.6.1894 marriage

On 5th June at the Central Synagogue, Great Portland St., esther, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Herman Alexander of 56 Sandringham Rd., Dalston, to David Abrahams, only son of Mr. & Mrs. George Abrahams of 4, West St., Regents St.


JC 20.7.1894 in memoriam

In memory of son Henry Alexander, died July 17th 1892, aged 21. 49 Hare St., Bethnal Green, E.


JC 17.8.1894 death

On 12th August (Fast of Ab), at 49 Hare St., Bethnal Green, E., Oscar, husband of Sarah Alexander, aged 48.


JC 14.9.1894 birth

On 10th September at 2, St Mark’s Buildings, Keep St., Johannesburg, the wife of George Alexander (née Minnie Cohen) of a son.


JC 28.9.1894 birth

On 18th September at 37 Wynnstay Gardens, Kensington, the wife of J. Altson of a son.


JC 14.10.1892 birth

On 7th October at 2 High St., Deptford, the wife of Aaron Alvarez (nee Annie Corper) of a son.


JC 3.2.1893 death

Abraham Alvarez - son B Alvarez, 240 Mile End Rd. Son D Alvarez, 20 Cutler St.


JC 8.9.1893 marriage

On 29th August at the Portuguese Synagogue, Bevis Marks, Sarah, eldest daughter of Henry and Rebecca Marks of "Union Jack" Lodge, Bow, to Hyman, eldest son of Barnett and Rachel Alvarez of 240 Mile End Rd.


JC 20.7.1894 birth

ALVEREZ - On 14th July at 2 and 3 Victoria Dock Rd., Canning Town, the wife of Henry Alvarez (nee Sarah Marks) of a daughter.


JC 14.6.1895

On 6th June at the Portuguese Synagogue, Bevis Marks, Emanuel, 2nd son of MR. & Mrs. I Alvarez of Montague St., Bow, to Hannah, only daughter of Amelia and the late Jack Sarluis of Ely Terrace, Mile End.


JC 25.5.1894 marriage

On 6th May at Heidelberg, Rabbi Dr. Gustave Oppenheim to Josephine, youngest daughter of Samuel Da Costa Andrade.


JC 24.8.1894 death

On 16th august, at 83 Osborne Rd., Forest Gate, E., Annie, widow of the late Solomon Andrade, aged 76.


JC 8.4.1892 fiance

Mr Shirley I Goldhill, son of B M Goldhill, 70 Stepney Green, to Louie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Coleman Angel, 7 St Marks Sq., Dalston.


JC 10.2.1893 marriage

On 26th January at the Great Synagogue, Louie, fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs C Angel of 7 St Mark Sq., Dalston, to Shirley I Goldhill, son of B M Goldhill, of 70 Stepney Green.


JC 10.11.1893 birth

On 4th November at 38 Colveston Crescent, the wife of Shirley I Goldhill (nee Louie Angel) of a daughter.


JC 13.4.1894 death

On 11th April at 5, Charlotte St., Bedford Sq., WC., Sarah, widow of the late Morris Angel.


JC 20.4.1894 return thanks

Mr. Daniel Angel, Mrs Lewis Isaacs, Mrs. Abraham Botibol, Mrs Alexander Jones, and Mrs. Myer Levyberg return thanks…mother. 5 Charlotte St., Bedford Sq.


JC 16.11.1894 deaths

On 14th November at 195 Shaftesbury Avenue, Philip, youngest son of the late Philip Isaacs of Bankside, and Miriam Angel, aged 3 years and 9 months.


JC 28.12.1894 marriage

On 25th December at the New Synagogue, Great St. Helen’s, Rebecca, eldest daughter of Simon and Henrietta Ansell of 65, Great Prescott St., Minories, to Mark Marks, of 13, Great Prescott St., Minories.


JC 28.12.1894 death

On 20th december at 32 Mildmay Grove, N., Abigail, relict of the late Joseph Ansell, in her 83rd year.


JC 7.9.1894 birth

On 5th September at 86 Oxford Gardens, Notting Hill, the wife of Sigmund Apfel of a daughter.


JC 23.3.1894 in memoriam

… husband and father Solomon Henry Appel, 55 Russell Sq., WC, died March 14th 1892.


JC 8.2.1895 death

On 2nd February at 2, Half Moon Passage, Catherine, wife of J Toff sister of Mrs A Applebaum, 9 Beaumont Sq., aged 50.


JC 20.7.1894 marriage

On 18th July at St. John’s Wood Synagogue, Henry Preuss Arnholz, elder son of Adolph Arnholz, of 41 Brondesbury Rd., N.W., to Millie, only daughter of G. S. Marks, of 150 Alexandra Rd., NW.


JC 23.2.1894 marriage

On 21st February, at the Grand Hotel, Trafalgar Square, Benno, second son of Julius Aron, of 114 Amhurst Rd., Hackney, to Kathleen, only daughter of David Jacobs of Liverpool.


JC 23.11.1894 birth

On 29th November at 49 St Quintin Avenue, North Kensington, the wife of Benno Aron (née Kathleen H. Jacobs of Liverpool) of a son.


JC 3.8.1894 marriage

On 25th July at the West London Synagogue, Milton, youngest son of the late Louis and Julia Ableson, of Warrington Crescent, Maida Vale, to Florrie, youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. S. Arrobus, of 9, Hungerford Rd., N.


JC 27.7.1894 marriage

On 18th July at the New West End Synagogue, Melville, second son of Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Friedlander, to Floretta, youngest daughter of Hannah and the late Rev. B. H. Ascher, of 71 Sutherland Ave., W.


JC 21.12.1894 fiance

Miss Kate Velensky, second daughter of M. & Mrs. A. P. Velensky, of Broadlands, Oudtshoorn, Cape Colony, to Moritz J. Aschman, of the same place, formerly of Scarborough St., Goodman’s Fields, London.


JC 17.6.1892 birth

On 9th June at 77 Middlesex St., the wife of Jacques Hess (Nee Rae Assenheim) of a son.


JC 24.8.1894 marriage

On 22nd August, at the New synagogue, Great St. Helen’s, Bessie, second daughter of Joseph and Rebecca Nathan, of 2A Brondesbury Rd., Kilburn, to Michael, second son of Isaac and Rachel Assenheim, of Scarboro’ Street, Whitechapel.


JC 20.12.1895 birth

On 16th December at 187 Mile End Rd., the wife of Michael Assenheim of a daughter.


JC 9.3.1894 birth

On 7th March 1894, at 184 Regent St., W., the wife of Isaac Avner of a daughter.


JC 30.3.1894 birth

On 26th March at 13 Coborn St., Bow, the wife of Bernhardt Balaban of Manchester (née Annie Spiro) of a son.


JC 21.12.1894 death

On 14th December at 61 Mildmay Park, Lizzie, wife of Leon Bamberger and eldest daughter of the late Lazarus Cohen of Cambridge, aged 43.


JC 28.12.1894 return thanks

Mr. Leon Bamberger, Mrs. John Joseph and Mr. Philip Cohen return thanks… for wife and sister. 61 Mildmay Park.


JC 13.7.1894 return thanks

The Misses Ellis with Mrs. Bandler return thanks… for father – 25 Kilburn Park Rd., NW.


JC 30.11.1894 death

On 25th November at his residence, 8, White Lion St., Bishopsgate, Eleazer Bannet, over 70 years.


JC 2.11.1894 marriage

On 31st October at the Synagogue, Upper Bryanston St., Rica Isabelle Cohen Rogers, daughter of the late M. C. Rogers, MRCS of 23 Wimpole St., to Alfred Barclay of Shaftesbury Avenue.


JC 15.6.1894 marriage

On 13th June at the residence of the bride’s parents, Edward Barczinsky of Newcastle-on-Tyne and Beckenham, to Florence, daughter of David Davis, 111, Alexandra Rd., South Hampstead, NW.


JC 4.5.1894 marriage

On 29th April, at Dalson Synagogue, Poet’s Rd., N., Maurice, eldest son of Barnett and the late Priscilla Flatau, of 15, Christopher St., Finsbury, to Esther, daughter of the late C. Barker, of the Elms, Sidcup.


JC 2.3.1894 return thanks

Mrs. D. Barnard, Mrs A. Barnett and Mrs. S. Woolf… brother Israel Cohen. 20 Grafton Street, Mile End.


JC 4.5.1894 return thanks

Mrs. D. Barnard, Mrs. A. Barnett, Mrs S. Woolf, return thanks… brother, Moss Cohen – 33 Bancroft Rd., Mile End.


JC 21.9.1894 birth

On 19th September at 130 Sutherland Avenue, Maida Vale, the wife of Lionel Henry Barnard of a son


JC 8.6.1894 return thanks

Messrs. Barnato brothers, Mrs. Joel and Famile, return thanks… for father.


JC 30.6.1893 death

On 26th June 1893, Samuel Barnett, 95 Middlesex St., in his 70th year. Father of Isaac, Samuel, Harry and Moses Barnett. Brother of Mrs Isaac Parker, Mrs Henry Samuels, Mr Emanuel Barnett.


JC 2.3.1894 death

BARNETT - On 26th February at 1 Artillery Passage, the residence of Grandma, Benjamin, son of Shimmer and Julia Barnett, aged 7 months. Shiva 572 Mile End Rd.


JC 2.3.1894 return thanks

Mrs. D. Barnard, Mrs A. Barnett and Mrs. S. Woolf… brother Israel Cohen. 20 Grafton Street, Mile End.


JC 9.3.1894 birth

On 2nd March, at 228 High Holborn, WC., the wife of J. Barnett, (née Esther Wolfe) of a son.


JC 16.3.1894 birth

On 12th March at "Glenloye", Greville Place, Maida Vale, W., the wife of Lewis Barnett of a daughter.


JC 16.3.1894 birth

On 13th March at 46 Gore Rd., South Hackney, the wife of Harry Barnett of a son.


JC 16.3.1894 marriage

SAMUEL:BARNETT - On 7th March at Westminster Town Hall, Emma, youngest daughter of the late Isaac Samuel of Birmingham, to Sydney, son of Mr. L Barnett of 56 Tavistock Sq., W.C.


JC 6.4.1894 return thanks

Mrs. Brummer and sister return thanks… for sister Mrs. Mary Barnett. 8 Burma Rd., N.


JC 4.5.1894 return thanks

Mrs. D. Barnard, Mrs. A. Barnett, Mrs S. Woolf, return thanks… brother, Moss Cohen – 33 Bancroft Rd., Mile End.


JC 22.6.1894 marriage

On 19th June, at the residence of the bride’s parents, 21 Portsdown Rd., W., Albert E. Hyman of 42 Clifton gardens, W., to Manarah (Minnie), youngest daughter of Abraham Barnett.


JC 29.6.1894 marriage

On 20th June at the Hampstead Synagogue, Miriam, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J. Barnett, West Hampstead, to Joseph Susman, of Manchester.


JC 29.6.1894 return thanks

Mrs. M. Barnett, son and daughter, and Joseph Yockmonitz… return thanks… daughter, sister and mother Anne Yockmonitz of Johannesburg, South Africa. 34 Compton Terrace, Highbury, N.


JC 6.7.1894 birth

On 28th July at 18 Endsleigh St., Tavistock Sq., WC., the wife of Harry Barnett of a daughter.


JC 13.7.1894 fiances

BARNETT:ISAACS - Henrietta, second daughter of Mr and Mrs L Barnett, of 341 Old St., EC to Alexander, son of the late Mr and Mrs S Isaacs of 73 Lauriston Rd., S Hackney, formerly of 4 Gravel Lane, Houndsditch.


JC 13.7.1894 in memoriam

Samuel Barnett, father of Isaac Barnett and brother of Emanuel Barnett, died 12th Tamuz. 49 Middlesex St., Aldgate.


JC 20.7.1894 death

On 17th July, Phoebe, relict of the late Barnett Barnett, and mother of Mrs. Franks, of 79 Sutherland Avenue, and Mr. M. Barnett of 69 Shirland Gardens, Maida Vale. Shiva at 69 Shirland Gardens.


JC 24.8.1894 marriage

On 7th August, Frederick James Harris, of Menjeham, South Hayling, Hants., to Blanche, second daughter of Montague Barnett, of 100 Barons Court Rd., West Kensington.


JC 7.9.1894 marriage

On 4th September at Bayswater Synagogue, Morris, younger son of Abraham and Rosetta Barnett, 21 Portsdown Rd., W., to Amélie, eldest daughter of Sarah and the late Jules Mason, Colveston Crescent, Dalston.


JC 14.9.1894 death

On 7th September at her residence, 56 Clifton Gardens, Maida Vale, Rebecca Meyer, late of Manchester, relict of the late Jacob Meyer, and sister of Mrs. Lazarus, 26 Birchington Rd., Kilburn, Mrs. Goodman, 56 Clifton Gardens, W., Mrs Leon, Warwick house, Christchurch Avenue, Brondesbury, Mrs. S. Isaacs, 32 Camp St., Lower Broughton, Manchester, and Mrs. F. Barnett, 19 Canning Place, Liverpool.


JC 28.9.1894 marriage

On 19th September at the Portuguese Synagogue, Bevis Marks, Rae, daughter of Adelaide and the late Morris Barnett of 61 Mildmay Rd., N., to Julius Mendess.


JC 12.10.1894 death

On 5th October, Moss Barnett ("Barney") of 76 Brooke Rd., Stoke Newington, aged 48.


JC 16.11.1894 births

On 10th November, at 1 Kynaston Rd Stoke Newington, the wife of R. Barnett of a daughter.


JC 16.11.1894 births

On 13th November, at 23 Merchant St., Bow, the wife of Harry Barnett (née Sarah Davis) of a daughter.


JC 16.11.1894 in memoriam

Husband and father, George Solomon Barnett of 41 Holywell St., Strand … died November 4th, 1884.


JC 21.12.1894 birth

On 19th December at 113 Elgin Avenue, Maida Vale, the wife of Gabriel Barnett of a son.


JC 15.3.1895 death

BARNETT - on 8th March at 21 Portsdown Rd., Rosetta, wife of Abraham Barnett in her 70th year.


JC 5.4.1895 birth

On 27th March at 218 Coldharbour Lane, the wife of Moss Ellis (née Louisa Barnett) of a son.


JC 1.11.1895 death

On 26th October at 54 Lincoln St., Bow, Lewis, husband of Nancy Barnett and son of the late Joshua Barnett, aged 50.


JC 28.9.1894 marriage

On 19th September at 7 Pembridge Villas, Bayswater, by the Rev. B. Berliner, Siegfried Baruch of Hamburg to Agnes Fawcett, youngest daughter of B. Hallenstein of Dunedin, New Zealand.


JC 28.9.1894 marriage

On 23rd September at East London Synagogue, George, eldest son of Leah and the late Jacob Baselgia of Germany, to Milly, the youngest daughter of John and the late Sarah Nathan, 125 London Rd.


JC 15.6.1894 death

At Sydney, New South Wales, Barnett, husband of Fanny Bebarfald, aged 63.


JC 31.8.1894 birth

On 27th August at 92 Sutherland avenue, Maida Vale, wife of Samuel Behr of a daughter.


JC 5.10.1894 birth

On 1st October at Temple Cottage, Ramsgate, the wife of the Rev. G. Belasco of a son.


JC 15.6.1894 death

On 5th June at Blackpool, Jacob, second son of Mr. & Mrs. T. D. Belisha of Cheetham Hill, manchester, aged 32 years.


JC 14.9.1894 birth

On 10th September at Park Villa, Byne Rd., Sydenham, Kent, the wife of Albert I. Belisha of a daughter.


JC 31.8.1894 marriage

On 22nd August at 19, Warrington Mansions, Maida Vale, Marie, youngest daughter of the late Moss and Rebecca Solomon of Highbury, to Elias Benator, of Gibraltar.


JC 1.8.1890 marriage

On 29th July at St Petersburg Place Synagogue, Fanny, eldest daughter of George and Julia Bendon of 11 Warrington Crescent, Maida Vale, to Leigh Jacobs of 188 Clapham Road, SW and Nottingham.


JC 29.6.1894 marriage

On 26th June at Bayswater Synagogue, Joseph Burman of Port Elizabeth, to Fanny, widow of the late Leigh Jacobs of Nottingham, and eldest daughter of George Bendon of 11 Warrington Crescent, W.


JC 9.3.1894 death

On 2nd Mach at Waterloo Rd., Wolverhampton, Mary, wife of Lewis Benjamin and mother of Solomon and Abraham Benjamin of Wolverhampton, Benjamin Benjamin, 133 High St., Camden Town, London, Asher Benjamin, 49 Lime St., Liverpool, and Ephraim Benjamin, 8, Dryden Street, Nottingham.


JC 6.4.1894 birth

On 2nd April at 149 Evering Rd., Stoke Newington, N., the wife of H. Benjamin of a daughter.


JC 6.4.1894 birth

On 2nd April at 63 Bryanston St., W., the wife of Mark Benjamin of a son.


JC 4.5.1894 birth

On 24th April at 39 Dennington Park Road, West hampstead, the wife of Fred Benjamin of a son.


JC 1.6.1894 death

On 27th May at 39 Dennington Park Rd, West Hampstead, the infant son of Fred and Daisy Benjamin.


JC 29.6.1894 death

On 25th June at 52 cambridge Avenue, Kilburn, Esther Benjamin, relict of Jacob Benjamin, aged 79.


JC 6.7.1894 return thanks

Mrs. R. Voos returns thanks… mother Mrs. Esther Benjamin. 52 Cambridge Rd., Kilburn.


JC 24.8.1894 birth

On 23rd August, at 5, Clanricarde Gardens, the wife of Albert Benjamin of a daughter.


JC 14.9.1894 marriage

On 12th September at Bayswater Synagogue, Lionel, son of the late David Benjamin of Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Parl, to Mabel, eldest daughter of Alexander Elkan of 53, Portsdown Rd., Maida Vale, W.


JC 21.9.1894 birth

On 15th September at 6 Prah Rd., Finsbury Park, the wife of Alfred Benjamin of a son.


JC 23.11.1894 death

On 5th November at Kansas City, USA, Leon Benjamin, brother of Mrs John Aaron, Mrs Saul Spiers, of Birmingham, Mrs P. E. Van Noorden of London, and Mrs. A. F. Ornstien, Cape Town. 32 Clarendon Rd., Edgebaston. Birmingham.


JC 30.11.1894 death

On 25th November at 6, Prah Rd., Finsbury Park, Ernest Joseph Benjamin, son of Alfred and Alma Benjamin, aged 10 weeks.


JC 1.2.1895 death

On 24th January at 230 New North Rd., Islington, John Abrahams, father of Abraham Abrahams of 155 Sutherland Avenue, Age 92. Father of Mrs J Benjamin, 10 Elmore St., N., & Mrs Henry Phillips, 28 High St., Aldgate.


JC 8.2.1895 marriage

On 31st January at Bayswater Synagogue, John, eldest son of Abraham Abrahams of 155 Sutherland Avenue, to Amy Evelyn, 2nd daughter of the late Joseph Benjamin of 53 Highbury New Park.


JC 10.8.1894 death

On 6th August at 24 New St., Houndsditch, Amelia, relict of the late Hyam Harris, mother of Samuel and Rachel Harris, Mrs. A. Jacobs, Mrs. A. Benkel, and sister of Mr. D. Samuels of Portsmouth, in her 66th year.


JC 17.8.1894 return thanks

Mr. Samuel, Miss Ray Harris, Mr. A. Jacobs, Mrs. A. Benkel, and Mr. Douglas Samuel (Portsmouth) return thanks… mother and sister, Amelia Harris, 24 New St., Houndsditch.


JC 31.8.1894 death

On 23rd August, at 7, Bond St., brighton, Michael Bennoson, aged 29.


JC 31.8.1894 return thanks

Mrs. Bennoson and Mrs. Michael, of 188 Commercial rd., London, E., return thanks… husband and brother – 7, Bond St., Brighton.


JC 31.8.1894 return thanks

Mr. J. Bennoson, Mrs. Funkenstein and Mrs. Susswein return thanks… brother. 106 Upper North St., Poplar, E.


JC 25.5.1894 deaths

On 18th May at 25 Mildmay Grove, N/. Rachel, eldest daughter of the late Jacob and Simha Benzaquen.


JC 8.1.1892 marriage

On 30th December at East London Synagogue, Julia, only daughter of E J Proops of Stepney, to John, son of the late John Berenstein of Barking.


JC 27.7.1894 death

On 9th July, at Newburg, USA, after intense suffering, the result of a carriage accident, Lionel, aged 31, only brother of Julia and Estella Berge. –21 Bloomsbury Sq., WC.


JC 2.11.1894 birth

On 30th October ta 28 Kensington Gardens Square, the wife of David S. Beriro of a daughter.


JC 9.3.1894 death

On 28th February at 147 Backchurch Lane, E., on the 72nd anniversary of his father’s Jahrzeit, Isaac Berliner, late of Plotsh, Poland, in his 80th year.


JC 9.3.1894 return thanks

Mrs. S. Champagne of 35 Charlotte St., New Rd, E., Mr. J. Berliner, of Bedford St., E., Mrs. Taffler of 55 St. Peter’s Rd., Mile End and Mr. L. Berliner of Cardiff return thanks…father…Isaac Berliner.


JC 23.11.1894 marriage

On 21st November at 174 Sutherland Avenue, W., the Rev. Berman Berliner, Minister of the St. John’s Wood Synagogue, to Emma, daughter of the late Israel Marks of Point House, Blackheath, SE.


JC 23.11.1894 birth

On 18th November at 12 Spital Sq., Bishopsgate, the wife of Solomon J. Berlinski of a daughter.


JC13.7.1894 birth

On 12th July at 59 Foulden Rd., Stoke Newington, N., the wife of Leo Berlowitz (née Phoebe London) of a son.


JC 29.6.1894 marriage

On 19th June, at the Sandy’s Row. Synagogue, by the Rev . Dancyger, assisted by the Rev. H. Bronkhorst, of Hull, brother of the bridegroom, Leah, only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bernard, Shamas of the above Synagogue, to Morris, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bronkhorst, of Tredegar St. Bow.


JC 5.1.1894 marriage

On 27th December at Dalston Synagogue, Poet’s Rd., Sarah, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. I. Bernstien, of 29 Lordship Park, N., to Abraham Reuben Kingberg, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. A. Kingberg, of Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa.


JC 2.3.1894 death

On 26th February at 3 Mildmay Rd., Dalston, Rachael Sarah, wife of Solomon Freedman, formerly of Cardiff, aged 78. Mother of Mrs. Blaiberg, Clifton Gardens, Mrs. J. Jacobs, 149 St. George’s St., Mrs Bernstein, Southsea, and Mrs. Goldberg, Cheltenham.


JC 13.4.1894 in memoriam

…mother Jane Bernstein, late of 5, Chapter St., Pimlico. Died 20th March 1877.


JC 3.8.1894 death

On 25th July at 95 Brooke Rd., Stoke Newington, London, N., Lillie, wife of Maurice Bernstein (late of Reading, Berks.) and only daughter of Morris Blackston of Leeds, aged 25 years. Intered at Gildersome Cemetery, Leeds.


JC 12.10.1894 birth

On 5th October at 77 Highbury Quadrant, Highbury New Park, the wife of A. R. Kingberg (née Sarah Bernstein) of a daughter.


JC 26.10.1894 birth

On 19th October at 36 Clerkenwell Rd., the wife of Philip Bernstein (née Rebecca Crook), of a daughter.


JC 9.11.1894 return thanks

Mrs J Bernstein and Mrs J Friedlander return thanks … for sister Mrs Esther Tash of San Francisco.


JC 2.11.1894 birth

On 28th October at "Ernena", Greencroft Gardens, West Hampstead, the wife of Ernest Joseph (née Nena Bessie) of a daughter.


JC 5.10.1894 birth

On 29th September at 274 Camden Rd., NW., the wife of S. Betts of a son.


JC 21.12.1894 death

On 20th December, at 58 Russell Sq., Philip Beyfus, aged 76.


JC 28.12.1894 marriage

On 19th December at the Bryanston St. Synagogue, Daniele Piperno, second son of the Rev. J. Piperno, to Blanche Beyfus, daughter of the late Henry Beyfus.


JC 20.4.1894 marriages

On 17th April at Hampstead Synagogue, Max N. Bingen of 6, Gascony Avenue, West Hampstead, son of Carl Bingen of Bonn, and nephew of the late Comendatore Adolf Bingen, of Genoa, to Leily, daughter of the late Mr. S. Elsner and Mrs. Elsner, of 95 Marylands Rd., Maida Hill W.


JC 31.8.1894 death

On 26th August, at 11, Josefstrasse, Bonn-on-the-Rhine, Carl Bingen, father of Max N. Bingen, of 6 Gascony Avenue, West Hampstead.


JC 16.6.1893 death

On 9th June at 24 New St., Gravel Lane, Hyam Harris, aged 79. Husband of Amelia Harris, father of Samuel Harris and Ray Harris, Mrs A Jacobs, Mrs A Binkel. Brother of Mr I Harris of Merchant St., Bow.


JC 2.3.1894 death

On 24th February, at 5 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, of scarlet fever, Helen Sara, daughter of Avigdor Lewis and Cordelia Birnstingl, aged nearly five years.


JC 3.8.1894 death

On 25th July at 95 Brooke Rd., Stoke Newington, London, N., Lillie, wife of Maurice Bernstein (late of Reading, Berks.) and only daughter of Morris Blackston of Leeds, aged 25 years. Intered at Gildersome Cemetery, Leeds.


JC 16.2.1894 return thanks

Mrs. Benjamin Blaiberg returns thanks… her mother Mrs Edward Jacobs, North lodge, Ampthill Sq., NW


JC 2.3.1894 death

On 26th February at 3 Mildmay Rd., Dalston, Rachael Sarah, wife of Solomon Freedman, formerly of Cardiff, aged 78. Mother of Mrs. Blaiberg, Clifton Gardens, Mrs. J. Jacobs, 149 St. George’s St., Mrs Bernstein, Southsea, and Mrs. Goldberg, Cheltenham.


JC 8.8.1890 marriage

On 6th August at the Great Synagogue, Matilda, eldest daughter of Abraham L and Abigail Jacobs, of 80 Grosvenor Road, Highbury New Park, to Joseph E Blank, elder son of Emanuel and the late Sophia Blank, 3 Tenter St. East.


JC 28.12.1894 birth

On 24th December at 34 Alvington Crescent, Dalston, the wife of Joseph E. Blank of a daughter.


JC 27.7.1894 marriage

On 18th July at the New West End Synagogue, Bayswater, Hyman, third son of Mrs. and the late André Block, of 24A Hereford Rd., Bayswater, to Leah, fifth daughter of Mrs. and the late Aaron De Bear of 24 Millman St., W.


JC 14.10.1892 birth

On 1st October at 206 Camden Rd., the wife of Samuel Mordecai (nee Fanny Blom) of a son (stillborn).


JC 16.2.1894 birth

On 11th February at 311 South Boulevard, Hull, the wife of Bernard Blond (née Rachel Laski) of a son


JC 16.12.1892 death

On 11th December 1t 31, Nottingham Place, Commercial Rd., Hannah, aged 55, wife of Henry Joseph and mother of Mrs B Israel, Mrs E Hyams, Mrs S Lesser, Mrs I Bloom of Bristol, Joshua, John, Simon and Annie Joseph. Sister of B H Joel, 34 Campbell Rd., Bow. Sister of Moss and Asher Joel. Shiva at 90 Mile End Rd. Sister of John and Polly Joel. Shiva at 50 Gloucester Crescent.


JC 27.4.1894 death

BLOOM - On 24th April at 82 Commercial Rd., Abraham Bloom, aged 52. Funeral April 26th at 1 o'clock.


JC 5.1.1894 fiance

Sara, third daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H. Bluestone, 120 Cannon Street Rd., to Maurice, eldest son of Mr & Mrs H. Jacobs, 66, Evering Rd., Stoke Newington, N.


JC 19.10.1894 birth

On 16th October at "Ivyhurst", 27 Mowbray Rd., Brondesbury, the wife of James Blumenthal of a daughter.


JC 7.9.1894 birth

On 13th August at 32 Russell St., Cape Town, the wife of Isidore A. Harris (née Minnia Boam, formerly of Spitalfields, London), of a daughter.


JC 28.12.1894 marriage

On 25th December at the North London Synagogue, Sydney, eldest son of Simeon Boas, of 139 Newington Green Rd., to Rose, eldest daughter of Samuel Ramus, of 37 Milner Sq., Barnsbury.


JC 13.4.1894 in memoriam

… mother Elizabeth Bonn, 12 Great Prescot St., E., died Nissan 7th 5647.


JC 21.9.1894 fiance

Adelaide Bonn, eldest daughter of Joseph Bonn of 12 Great Prescott St., and 2, Wentworth St., to Harry Fenigstein of 81 Greenwood Rd, Dalston, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs Fenigstein of Colombia Rd., Hackney.


JC 16.11.1894 births

On 10th November, at 82 Colvestone Crescent, Dalston, the wife of C. Boss of a son.


JC 20.4.1894 return thanks

Mr. Daniel Angel, Mrs Lewis Isaacs, Mrs. Abraham Botibol, Mrs Alexander Jones, and Mrs. Myer Levyberg return thanks…mother. 5 Charlotte St., Bedford Sq.


JC 3.1.90 return thanks

Mrs Samuel Gashion, Mrs J Bournestone and Miss Kauffman return thanks...for ...sister...the late Mrs Louis Solomons of Oxford.


JC 7.9.1894 birth

On 2nd September at 50 Sotheby Rd., Highbury Park, N., the wife of Laurence G, Bowman, M.A., (née Fanny Cohen) of a daughter,


JC 2.11.1894 marriage

On 31st October at Great Synagogue, Harriet, daughter of Hannah and the late Morris Emanuel of 21 Beaumont Sq., to george Bowman of 112 Jubillee St., and 404 Bethnal Green Rd.


JC 25.5.1894 birth

On 19th May at Belmont Villa, 60 Parkholme Rd., Dalston, the wife of Moss Brand of a son.


JC 24.8.1894 death

On 17th August, at 82 Leman St., E., Pearl (Pollie), wife of Abraham Cohen and daughter of Mr. & Mrs. N. Brand,aged 31 years.


JC 28.2.90 return thanks

Mr. A Joseph, Mrs J. A. Britton, Mrs L Goldhill, Mrs M Lewis, and Mrs J Hyman return thanks...mother Jane Isaacs, Sams Coffee House, St James Place, Aldgate.


JC 15.8.1890 birth

On 14th August, the wife of L A Britton, 287 Edgware Rd., of a son.


JC 14.11.1890 death

On 12th November at 27 Duke St., Lewis Abraham Britton, aged 69.


JC 19.2.1892 birth

On 12th February at Sandringham Villa, Alexandra Road, Finsbury Park, the wife of Maurice Britton of a daughter.


JC 17.6.1892 marriage

On 14th June at the Great Synagogue, Esther, fourth daughter of S Joel, 16 Mitre Sq., Aldgate, to Samson, youngest son of J A Britton of 16 Houndsditch.


JC 14.4.1893 birth

On 8th April, at 8 Upper St., Islington, the wife of Samson Britton (nee Esther Joel) of a son.


JC 1.9.1893 fiancee

Jane, only daughter of Mr & Mrs J A Britton of 16 Houndsditch, to Isaac, eldest son of Mr & Mrs Henry Isaacs of Cutler St., Houndsditch.


JC 14.9.1894 death

BRITTON - On 9th September at Margate, Esther, relict of the late Lewis Abraham Britton of 27 Duke St., aged 78.


JC 7.12.1894 marriage

On 4th December at the Great Synagogue, Isaac D. Isaacs, eldest son of Henry Isaacs of Cutler St., to Jane, only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Britton of Houndsditch.


JC 1.2.1895 birth

On 22nd January at the "Box Tree Tavern", Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, th ewife of Samson J. Britton of a daughter.


JC 23.8.1895 in memoriam

...mother, Esther Britton, died 13th September 1894.


JC 8.11.1895 birth

On 6th November at 153 High St., Borough, the wife of I D Isaacs (née Jane Britton) of a daughter.


JC 5.1.1894 death

On 1st January at Normansfield, Hampton Wick, Ella, only daughter of Abraham and Hannah Brodziak, 27 Randolph Crescent, Maida Vale, W., aged 21.


JC 29.6.1894 marriage

On 19th June, at the Sandy’s Row. Synagogue, by the Rev . Dancyger, assisted by the Rev. H. Bronkhorst, of Hull, brother of the bridegroom, Leah, only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bernard, Shamas of the above Synagogue, to Morris, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bronkhorst, of Tredegar St. Bow.


JC 6.4.1894 return thanks

Mrs. Brummer and sister return thanks… for sister Mrs. Mary Barnett. 8 Burma Rd., N.


JC 18.5.1894 death

On 14th May at 5, Church St., Spitalfields, Jacob Mordecai Bruske, aged 73.


JC 18.12.1891 marriage

On 17th December at the Great Synagogue, Abraham Cohen, fourth son of Louis Cohen, 5 New Rd., E., to Alice Burchell, third daughter of the late Abraham Burchell of Artillery Passage.


JC 27.7.1894 birth

BURCHELL - On 22nd July at Beverly House, 33D Middleton Rd., Dalston, the wife of George Burchell (nee Sarah Mordecai) of a daughter.


JC 29.6.1894 marriage

On 26th June at Bayswater Synagogue, Joseph Burman of Port Elizabeth, to Fanny, widow of the late Leigh Jacobs of Nottingham, and eldest daughter of George Bendon of 11 Warrington Crescent, W.


JC 7.12.1894 return thanks

Mrs H. J. Cahen, of 7, Beaulieu Villas, Finsbury Park, returns thanks … father Lion Lion.


JC 9.3.1894 fiance

Rebecca, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carlish, of 3, Compton Rd., Highbury, to Louis Freeman of South Africa, third son of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Freeman of 13 Waltham Street, Hull.


JC 21.9.1894 marriage

On 12th September at the Portuguese Synagogue, Bevis Marks, Rebecca, 2nd daughter of Charles Carlish, of 3, Compton Rd., Highbury, to Louis, 3rd son of Joseph Freeman of 13 Waltham St., Hull.


JC 12.2.1892 marriage

On 10th February at Borough New Synagogue, Walworth, Matilda, third daughter of Isaac and Sarah Hyman of 295 Tabard St., SE, to David Cashstein of 132 Wentworth St., Spitalfields.


JC 27.7.1894 death

On 21st July at Hazeldean, Sydenham Hill, Lizzie, wife of Manuel Castello, and last surviving daughter of the late Simon Magnus of Chatham, aged 59 years.


JC 9.3.1894 return thanks

Mrs. S. Champagne of 35 Charlotte St., New Rd, E., Mr. J. Berliner, of Bedford St., E., Mrs. Taffler of 55 St. Peter’s Rd., Mile End and Mr. L. Berliner of Cardiff return thanks…father…Isaac Berliner.


JC 10.7.1891 death

On 7th July at 20 Mile End Rd., Hyam Levy in his 51st year. Brother of Mrs James Chapman of 1, Tavistock Sq.


JC 24.7.1891 death

On 18th July, Abraham Levy of 131 Lower Marsh, Lambeth, aged 44. Brother of Mrs James Chapman, 1 Tavistock Sq., Third son of Fanny Levy of 60 London Rd.,SE.


JC 24.8.1894 marriage

On 22nd August, at the East London Synagogue, Stepney Green, Isaac Cohen of 270 Mile End Rd., eldest son of Annie and the late Michael Cohen, of 4, Grafton St., Mile End, to Lizzie, youngest daughter of James and Amelia Chapman, of 1, Tavistock Sq., WC.


JC 7.12.1894 birth

On 22nd November at 39 Steade Rd., Sharrow, Sheffield, the wife of Henry Chapman of a daughter.


JC 5.1.1894 death

On 2nd January, Julia Charik, daughter of the late Henry Lyons of Holloway, sister of Mrs. Laurence Somers and Mrs. Lacy-Harris. Shiva at 20 Greencroft Gardens, South Hampstead.


JC 23.2.1894 birth

On 19th February at 62 Smallbrook St., Birmingham, the wife of N. Charik, of a son.


JC 25.5.1894 deaths

On 17th May at 41 Highgate Rd., NW., Hannah, wife of James Chetham, and mother of John Chetham of Grafton Rd., NW and Henry Chetham of Camden Rd. NW.


JC 21.12.1894 death

On 18th December at 5 Grafton Rd., NW., John Chetham, aged 44.


JC 19.7.1895 death

On 11th July at 7 Bancroft Rd., Louis, child of Michael and Phoebe Citroen, aged seven months.


JC 28.11.1890 death

On 25th November at 37 Great Prescott St., Victor Levy, aged 52. Daughters Mrs Isaacs and Mrs Citron of 70 Great Prescott St.


JC 11.5.1894 tombstone

The tombstone in memory of Rosie, wife of Edward Clark and daughter of Isaac and Sophia Solomon, of Covent Garden Market… West Ham, 13th May.


JC 29.6.1894 birth

On 23rd June at Manor Lodge, Grove End Rd., NW, the wife of Ruby Clifford of a daughter.


JC 28.9.1894 in memoriam

...mother, Jane Clozenberg, died September 25th 1892 - 4th Tishri 5653.


JC 17.8.1894 return thanks

Mrs. Priscilla Coaker, of 12 Almorah Rd, Canonbury, returns thanks… brother Nathan Cohen, of 480 Edgware Rd., many years resident of Saffron Hill.


JC 16.11.1894 deaths

On 11th November at 13 Blackfriars Rd., Sol Cohen, brother of the late Aaron Cohen of Farringdon St., and Mrs. P. Coaker of 32 Almorah Rd., Canonbury, aged 73.


JC 28.3.1890 death

On 22nd March at the residence of her parents, Phoebe, wife of J B Goldhill, of 97 Mile End Road, and daughter of Lewis and Sarah Cohen of 8 Dock St., Leman St., Whitechapel, aged 24.


JC 5.9.1890 death

On 1st September at the residence of her daughter, Mrs J Joseph, 102 Sandringham Rd., Elizabeth, relict of the late Lewis Jacobs and mother of Mrs L Cohen, 5 Well St., London Docks.


JC 12.9.1890 return thanks

Mrs J Joseph and Mrs L Cohen return thanks...mother Mrs E Jacobs. 102 Sandringham Rd.


JC 19.9.1890 return thanks

Mrs Judah Cohen and Mrs L Isaacs - brother D Davis. 108 Wardour St. and 169 Kingsland Rd.


JC 13.3.1891 death

On 11th March at 43 Petherton Rd., Highbury New Park, Esther, wife of Lewis Woolf and eldest daughter of the late Rev. Ephraim Cohen.


JC 17.4.1891 birth

On 13th April at 75 Middlesex St., Annie, wife of I Mendoza (nee Annie Cohen) of a daughter.


JC 18.12.1891 marriage

On 17th December at the Great Synagogue, Abraham Cohen, fourth son of Louis Cohen, 5 New Rd., E., to Alice Burchell, third daughter of the late Abraham Burchell of Artillery Passage.


JC 14.4.1893 birth

On 5th April at 75 Middlesex St., Annie Mendoza (nee Cohen) of a son.


JC 16.2.1894 birth

On 6th February, at Newry, Ireland, the wife of Eli Cohen (née Kate Sasupskie) of a daughter.


JC 16.2.1894 birth

On 10th February, at 27 Church Lane, Whitechapel, the wife of Daniel Cohen (née Ray Rosenberg) of a daughter (stillborn).


JC 16.2.1894 return thanks

Mr. Judah Cohen, sons and daughters, with Mrs. Lewis Isaacs….wife, mother and sister.108 Wardour St., Oxford St.


JC 23.2.1894 in memoriam

…father, George Cohen, died at Coborn House, 31 Bow Road, 6th March, 1890.


JC 2.3.1894 death

On 20th February, at his residence, 268 Elgin Avenue, W., Israel Cohen, aged 72.


JC 2.3.1894 death

On 23rd February, Sophia, wife of Simon Jacobs, and daugher of the late S. B. Cohen of Birmingham, aged 33 years. Shiva at 199 Cable Street, St. George’s, E.


JC 2.3.1894 return thanks

Mrs. D. Barnard, Mrs A. Barnett and Mrs. S. Woolf… brother Israel Cohen. 20 Grafton Street, Mile End.


JC 2.3.1894 return thanks

Mr. Moss Cohen returns thanks… brother Israel Cohen. 49 Tavistock Sq., WC.


JC 9.3.1894 return thanks

Mrs Woolf Hyman returns …thanks… father Israel Cohen, 20 Taviton St., Gordon Sq.


JC 9.3.1894 return thanks

Mrs Philip D. Isaacs returns thanks… father Israel Cohen, 13 Varden’s Rd., St. John’s Hill, SW.


JC 9.3.1894 return thanks

Mrs Alfred Jay returns thanks… father Israel Cohen, 13 Mornington Rd., Bow.


JC 16.3.1894 marriage

ISAACS:COHEN - On 7th March at the Great Synagogue, Sarah, second daughter of the late Louis Isaacs, 19 Leslie St., Mile End, to Joseph Cohen, eldest son of Nathan Cohen, 50 Great Western Rd., Glasgow.


JC 16.3.1894 death

On 12th March at 12, Clarendon Gardens, Maida Hill, Miriam, widow of David H. Cohen, aged 74.


JC 16.3.1894 death

On 13th March, at Chichester Place, Harrow Rd., W., Lazarus (Liza) Cohen, aged 71. For more than thirty years Beadle of the Bayswater Synagogue.


JC 23.3.1894 in memoriam

In memory… husband and father, Nat Cohen, died March 22nd 1891 – 12th Adar Shinee 5641. (dates written thus, - ed.)


JC 30.3.1894 marriage

On 27th March at the New Synagogue, Great St. Helens, Millie, 2nd daughter of J. Cohen of 11, Grand Parade, Brighton, to Sol Norman of Camden Town, eldest son of Jacob Norman of Well St., E.


JC 30.3.1894 marriage

On 20th March at the Great Synagogue, Lizzie, youngest daughter of Morris Cohen of 2, New Castle Place, Whitechapel, to Solomon Silverston of 20, Bell Lane, Spitalfields.


JC 30.3.1894 death

On 16th March at 420 Caledonian Rd., N., Flora Kate, second eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Philip Cohen, aged 21.


JC 6.4.1894 birth

On 28th March at 29 Church St., Islington, the wife of Dudley Goldsmid (née Rae Cohen) of a son.


JC 13.4.1894 tombstone

The tombstone in memory of the late Martha Cohen, daughter of Daniel and Fanny Cohen of Harrow Alley, Hounsditch, West Ham, Sunday next.


JC 27.4.1894 death

On 21st April at 158 Bethnal Green Rd., Philip Cohen, aged 73.


JC 27.4.1894 death

On 21st April at 49 Tavistock Sq., WC., Moss, husband of Ellen Cohen, in his 71st year.


JC 4.5.1894 death

On 26th April, at 32 Broadway, Westminster, SW., Solomon Hyman Cohen, husband of Ann Cohen, in his 85th year.


JC 4.5.1894 return thanks

Mrs. D. Barnard, Mrs. A. Barnett, Mrs S. Woolf, return thanks… brother, Moss Cohen – 33 Bancroft Rd., Mile End.


JC 4.5.1894 return thanks

Mr. Judah Cohen returns thanks… His brother Mr. Phillip Cohen.


JC 11.5.1894 return thanks

Mrs. S. H. Cohen, son and daughters return thanks…husband and father, 32 Broadway, Westminster.


JC 11.5.1894 return thanks

Mr. H. A. Cohen, Mrs S. Morris and Mrs. I. D. Leo return thanks… father, 32 Broadway, Westminster, SW.


JC 18.5.1894 fiance

Sarah Abadee, Melbourne, to Phineas H. Cohen, 198 Grove Rd., London E.


JC 25.5.1894 birth

On 17th May at 97 Rutland St., Stepney, E., the wife of Abraham Solomons (née Alice Cohen) of a son.


JC 25.5.1894 birth

On 19th May at Acacia House, Cazenove Rd., Stamford Hill, the wife of I. I. Woolley (née Hannah Cohen) of a son,


JC 1.6.1894 birth

On 25th May at 242 Bethnal Green Rd., the wife of J. Cohen of a daughter.


JC 22.6.1894 birth

On 21st June, at 221 Graham Rd., Hackney, the wife of Samuel Cohen (née Abbie Mendoza) of a daughter.


JC 22.6.1894 marriage

On 14th June at the Dalston Synagogue, Blanche, second daughter of Mrs. Augusta Cohen of "Jesmond," 129 Highbury New Park, to Isadore Isaacs of sunderland.


JC 29.6.1894 marriage

COHEN:SIMONS - On 26th June at the New Synagogue, Solomon, youngest son of the late Aaron and Sarah Cohen of 19 Sandy's Row, to Rebecca, daughter of Mr and Mrs S Simons of 18a Sandy's Row. South African and American papers please copy.


JC 29.6.1894 marriage

On 27th June at Kensington Town Hall, Annie, daughter of the late Isaac Samuel, "Southernhay," Bristol Rd., Birmingham, to Albert Cohen, of 86 Brondesbury Villas, Kilburn.


JC 29.6.1894 death

On 26th June at 31 Oxford Sq., W., Harold Albert Cohen of Balliol College, Oxford, youngest son of the late Lionel Louis Cohen, aged 22. Funeral at Willesden Lane Cemetery.


JC 13.7.1894 death

COHEN - On 3rd July 1894 at Nachlas Schiva, Jerusalem, Ettie Cohen, relict of the late Moses Cohen, formerly of 43 Mansell St and of Woolwich, aged 80 years.


JC 13.7.1894 death

On 4th July 1894, at Nachlas Schiva, Jerusalem, Ettie Cohen, aged 80 years, widow of the late Moses Cohen, formerly of 43 Mansell St., London.


JC 20.7.1894 birth

On 14th July at 62 Stamford Hill, the wife of Abraham Cohen of a son.


JC 27.7.1894 birth

On 22nd July at 107 Commercial St., Spitalfields, the wife of Samuel Woolf (née Polly Cohen) of a daughter.


JC 27.7.1894 death

On 22nd July, at 28 Shepherd st., Spitalfields, David Cohen, aged 68.


JC 10.8.1894 death

COHEN - On 6th August at 480 Edgware Rd., Nathan Cohen, aged 84. Father of Mrs Morris Jacobs, Liverpool Rd., Islington, Mrs Lewis Solomon, Tottenham Court Rd., Mrs Jack Lyons, Edgware Rd., Mr Moss Cohen, Bloomsbury St., Mr B Cohen, Regent Sq. Shiva at 321 Edgware Rd.


JC 10.8.1894 death

On 3rd August, at 22 Bernard St., Russell Sq., Isaac Selim, brother of Mrs. S. Cohen of "Berea", Woodchurch Rd., Mrs. L. Sternberg, of West End Lane, and Mr. Henry Selim, of Jermyn St., aged 75.


JC 17.8.1894 birth

On 8th August, at 28 Bancroft Rd., Mile end, the wife of Jack Myers (née Esther Cohen) of a daughter.


JC 17.8.1894 marriage

HARRIS:COHEN - On 14th August at Great Synagogue, Abraham Harris, eldest son of Lewis Harris, 53 Wilkes St., to Leah Cohen, daughter of the late Myer Cohen.


JC 17.8.1894 return thanks

Mrs. Priscilla Coaker, of 12 Almorah Rd, Canonbury, returns thanks… brother Nathan Cohen, of 480 Edgware Rd., many years resident of Saffron Hill.


On 17th August at 82 Leman St., E., the wife of Abraham Cohen of a son, stillborn.


JC 24.8.1894 birth

On 17th August at 41 St. Bees Street, Moss side, Manchester, the wife of David Misell, of Manchester (née Rebecca Cohen of Amhurst Rd., London), of a son.


JC 24.8.1894 marriage

On 22nd August, at the East London Synagogue, Stepney Green, Isaac Cohen of 270 Mile End Rd., eldest son of Annie and the late Michael Cohen, of 4, Grafton St., Mile End, to Lizzie, youngest daughter of James and Amelia Chapman, of 1, Tavistock Sq., WC.


JC 24.8.1894 marriage

On 16th August, at the Savoy Hotel, Eva, eldest daughter of the late Moss Isaacs and Mrs. Isaacs, of Fairlawn, Herne Hill, to Arthur, youngest son of the late Israel Cohen.


JC 24.8.1894 death

On 17th August, at 82 Leman St., E., Pearl (Pollie), wife of Abraham Cohen and daughter of Mr. & Mrs. N. Brand,aged 31 years.


JC 31.8.1894 birth

On 26th August at 16 Newcastle St., Whitechapel, the wife of Maurice Jacobs (née Millie Cohen) of a daughter.


JC 31.8.1894 in memoriam

In memory of mother,Sarah Cohen, who died at :Coborn house", Bow, August 19th 1890.


JC 31.8.1894 return thanks

Mrs L. Cohen, 5 Well st., Leman St., E., with Mrs. J. Joseph of 107 Sandringham Rd, Dalston, N., return thanks… sister, Mrs. B. N. Levy of Rochester, New York, USA.


JC 7.9.1894 birth

On 2nd September at 50 Sotheby Rd., Highbury Park, N., the wife of Laurence G, Bowman, M.A., (née Fanny Cohen) of a daughter,


JC 7.9.1894 marriage

On 5th September at North London Synagogue, Frances, daughter of Mr & Mrs M Cohen of Oakley Crescent, N., to Isidore Abrahams of Park House, Grosvenor Rd., N.


JC 7.9.1894 in memoriam

...sister Elizabeth Cohen, died at "Coborn House", 31 Bow Rd., September 1st 1892.


JC 14.9.1894 birth

On 10th September at 2, St Mark’s Buildings, Keep St., Johannesburg, the wife of George Alexander (née Minnie Cohen) of a son.


JC 14.9.1894 birth

On 7th September at 7 Richmond Rd., Bayswater, the wife of Jacob Cristol (née Leah Cohen) of a daughter.


JC 14.9.1894 death

On 7th September at 36, Casson St., E., Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Cohen, in her 19th year.


JC 21.9.1894 death

On 13th September at 27 Waterloo Rd., SE, Mary (Pollie), wife of Woolf Cohen.


JC 21.9.1894 death

On 19th September at "Cornbury", 9 Landsdowne St., West Brighton, Sarah, relict of the late Michael Cohen of Brighton and Belfast, aged 75. Mother of Mrs Abraham Collins of 21, Bloomsbury Sq., and Mrs, Maurice Collins of 15 Bridge Avenue, Hammersmith.


JC 28.9.1894 marriage

On 25th September at St. John’s Wood Synagogue, Asher I. Myers of 134 Abbey Rd., NW to Bessie Cohen, second daughter of Mrs. Phoebe Cohen and the late Aaron Cohen of 64 Farringdon St., EC.


JC 5.10. 1894 in memoriam

...husband and father Moss Coleman Cohen, died eve of Kippur, 5654.


JC 5.10.1894 return thanks

Mrs. Louis Abrahams returns thanks... sister Mrs. Rosa Cohen of Liverpool. 610 Mile End Rd.


JC 16.11.1894 deaths

On 14th November at Synagogue House, Great St. Helen’s, EC., the Rev. Isaac Cohen, in his 59th year. Funeral at Willesden.


JC 16.11.1894 deaths

On 11th November at 13 Blackfriars Rd., Sol Cohen, brother of the late Aaron Cohen of Farringdon St., and Mrs. P. Coaker of 32 Almorah Rd., Canonbury, aged 73.


JC 30.11.1894 return thanks

Mr. S. Rosenberg and brothers, Mrs. I. Levy of New York, Mrs. M. Cohen, Mrs. L. Myers, of Leeds, Mrs. A. Woolf of Sheffield. And Mrs. E. Levy return thanks… mother. 28 Cable St., E.


JC 7.12.1894 fiance

Jessie Cohen, of 16, Beak St., W., second daughter of the late I. Cohen, to Judah, eldest son of Morris and Hannah Kutner , of 6, Nottingham Place, E.


JC 7.12.1894 return thanks

Mr. S. Rosenberg and brothers, Mrs. I. Levy of New York, Mrs. M. Cohen, Mrs. L. Myers, of Leeds, Mrs. A. Woolf, of Sheffield, and Mrs E. Levy return thanks… 28 Cable St., E.


JC 21.12.1894 death

On 14th December at 61 Mildmay Park, Lizzie, wife of Leon Bamberger and eldest daughter of the late Lazarus Cohen of Cambridge, aged 43.


JC 21.12.1894 death

On 17th December, at Brighton, Esther, widow of the late Lionel Louis Cohen, aged 62.


JC 28.12.1894 birth

On 23rd December at 61 Kennington Rd., SE, the wife of Edward Victor Leon (née Ettie Cohen) of a son.


JC 28.12.1894 marriage

On 25th December, at the Great Synagogue, Sarah, daughter of Mrs. And the late B. Hyams of 20 Princes St., Spitalfields, to Abraham Cohen of Aberdeen, South Africa.


JC 28.12.1894 return thanks

Mr. Leon Bamberger, Mrs. John Joseph and Mr. Philip Cohen return thanks… for wife and sister. 61 Mildmay Park.


JC 1.3.1895 death

On 22nd February at 13 Kings Rd., Brownswood Park, Rachel, widow of the late Alfred Coleman Cohen and 2nd daughter of the late Nathan Defries, aged 61.


JC 19.4.1895 death

LOTINGA - On 16th April, Mrs. A M Lotinga of Sunderland, in her 95th year, mother of Mrs Mason. Mrs Cohen and Mr A Lotinga.


JC 27.12.1895 death

On 23rd December at 15, Petherton Rd., Highbury, Jane, widow of Rev. Isaac Cohen (late of the New Synagogue) in her 59th year. Sister of Coleman Jonas and Mrs. Sylvia Phillips. Shiva at 17 Great Prescott St.


JC 22.6.1894 return thanks

Mr. Albert J. Weingold, with Mrs. Cohn, tender their sincere thanks… 39 Marshall Place, Cheetham, Manchester.


JC 5.10.1894 death

On 3rd October at 6 Colfe Villas, Lewisham Hill, SE, Hannah, wife of Benjamin Colaco, aged 72.


JC 21.9.1894 death

On 19th September at "Cornbury", 9 Landsdowne St., West Brighton, Sarah, relict of the late Michael Cohen of Brighton and Belfast, aged 75. Mother of Mrs Abraham Collins of 21, Bloomsbury Sq., and Mrs, Maurice Collins of 15 Bridge Avenue, Hammersmith.


JC 22.6.1894 marriage

On 19th June at the Portuguese Synagogue, Stella, daughter of the late Abraham Corcos of Mogador, to Alec, son of Joseph Freedman of 16 Victoria Park Rd.


JC 10.7.1891 marriage

On 7th July at the residence of the bride's brother, 13 Devonshire Sq., Bishopsgate, assisted by Rev J. Tuchman (brother-in-law of the bride), Isabella Stephany to Moss Corper of 60, St. Peters Rd., Mile End.


JC 21.8.1891 marriage

On 19th August at the New Synagogue, Sophia, eldest daughter of Moss Corper of 60 St Peters Rd., Mile End, to Moss Goodman of 12 St Peters Rd.


JC 5.8.1892 barmitzvah

Mrs J Corper will be pleased to see relatives and friendson Saturday 13th August, Barmitzvah of youngest son Louis, 56 Mildmay Grove.


JW 7.10.1892

J Corper was secretary of Sandy's Row Synangogue.


JC 14.10.1892 birth

On 7th October at 2 High St., Deptford, the wife of Aaron Alvarez (nee Annie Corper) of a son.


JC 4.11.1892 birth

On 1st November at 572 Mile End Rd., the wife of Moss Goodman (nee Sophia Corper) of a son.


JC 1.9.1893 marriage

On 30th August at the Great Synagogue, Miriam, eldest daughter of Tobias and Rose Goodman, 44 Clifton St., Finsbury, to Michael, son of Moss Corper of 60 St Peters Rd., E.


JC 20.7.1894 birth

CORPER - On 13th July at 10 Brighton Rd., Stoke Newington, the wife of Michael Corper (nee Miriam Goodman) of a daughter.


JC 28.12.1894 marriage

On 19th December, at the Poet’s Rd. Synagogue, Miriam Corper, only child of Mrs. S. L. Hickman, of 49 Sandringham Rd., Dalston, to Isidore Jacobs, of 49 Colvestone Crescent, Dalstone, second son of Samuel and Sara Jacobs, of Portsea.


JC 4.1.1895

On 19th December 1894 at Poets Rd., Synagogue, Miriam Corper, only child of Mrs S L Hickman, 49 Sandringham Rd., Dalston, to Isidore Jacobs of 49 Colvestone Crescent, Dalston, 2nd son of Samuel and Sara Jacobs of Portsea.


JC 1.3.1895 death

On 25th February at 114 Rothschild Buildings, Elias Corper, brother of Moss Corper of 60, St. Peters Rd., John Corper of 1, Spital Sq., and Mrs E Samson of Cemetery, West Ham.


JC 26.7.1895 death

On 22nd July at the Jewish Cemetery, West Ham, Rachel, wife of Ephraim Samson, sister of Mr. John Corper, 1 Spital Square, Mr. Moss Corper, 60 St Peter’s Rd., Mile End, in her 52nd year.


JC 23.8.1895 marriage

On 14th August at the Dalston Synagogue, Alfred, 2nd son of Mr. & Mrs. P E Van Noorden of 84 Ladbroke Grove, W, to Amelia (Milly), 2nd daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J Corper, 10 Petherton Rd., N


JC 4.5.1894 death

On 27th April, at 9 Clapton Passage, Ralph Costa, husband of Annie Costa.


JC 14.9.1894 fiance

Phoebe, only daughter of Judah Costa of the Library, Durward St., London, to Joseph Rosenberg of 41A King’s Rd., Brighton, late of Hull.


JC 12.9.1890 death

On 6th September at 2, Eric St., Mile End, Amelia Israel, aged 82, mother of Mrs Bernhard Kauffman, 28 Goodge St., Lazarus Israel, 59 Cambridge Rd., Mrs Coster, Mrs Myers, Mrs Middlebrook and Isaac Israel of Sydney NSW.


JC 5.1.1894 birth

On 29th December 1893 at Roseneath, Barrow Rd., streatham, SW, the wife of J. Cowan (née Sarah Funkensztein) of a son.


JC 27.4.1894 death

On 21st April at 14 Stanley Crescent, W., Marion, widow of the late Samuel Cowan, aged 65.


On 20th August at 116 Finchley Rd., NW., the wife of H. Creamer of a daughter.


JC 19.10.1894 birth

On 13th October at 38 Holmdale Rd., West Hampstead, the wife of Henry Lehmann (née Stella Creewell) of a son.


JC 14.9.1894 birth

On 7th September at 7 Richmond Rd., Bayswater, the wife of Jacob Cristol (née Leah Cohen) of a daughter.


JC 6.4.1894 death

On 2nd April, at 298 Commercial Road, E., Benjamin, son of Louis and Sarah Crocker, aged 11 weeks.


JC 26.10.1894 birth

On 19th October at 36 Clerkenwell Rd., the wife of Philip Bernstein (née Rebecca Crook), of a daughter.


JC 14.9.1894 death

On 9th September at 62 Castletown Rd., West Kensington, Benjamin Curtis, aged 77.


JC 3.2.1893 death

On 28th January, Fanny Martin (Frances), wife of David Nunes Martinez, aged 60. Mother of Benjamin Nunes Martinez of 138 Bethnal Green Rd. Sister of Mrs L A Da Costa, 465 Mile End Rd., Mrs Henry Lewis, 22 Cranbourne St., Alfred Da Costa, Brighton, Aaron Da Costa, 20 Great Alie St., I De Costa, 93 London Rd., Brighton.


JC 29.6.1894 in memoriam

In memory of mother Hannah (Tossy) Da Costa, died 23rd Sivan 5653. – Mrs. B. Isaacs, 5, Leslie St., Mile End, E.


JC 13.7.1894 tombstone

The tombstone in memory of Jane walters of Gravesend, mother of Mrs. John Da Costa of Eagle Lodge, Bow Rd… Jewish cemetery, Chatham…15th July.


JC 14.9.1894 birth

On 8th September at 81 Cephas St., St. Peter’s Rd., Mile End, the wife of Joseph Da Costa (née Hannah Warman) of a daughter.


JC 14.9.1894 birth

On 11th September at 4, Statham Grove Villas, Green Lanes, N., the wife of Alfred Da Costa of a daughter.


JC 16.11.1894 marriage

On 14th November at the New Synagogue, Great St. Helen’s, Hannah, second daughter of Sarah and the late Dan Da Costa, to David, youngest son of Isaac and Sophia Harris of 3, Merchant St., Bow.


JC 7.12.1894 birth

On 1st December at 8, Benson St., Liverpool, the wife of Isaac Da Costa of a son.


JC 21.12.1894 marriage

On 18th December at the Berkeley St., Synagogue (reform – ed.), Henry A. Tobias of "Irvington", Broadhurst Gardens, NW., to Alice, daughter of the late J. M. Da Costa, of Paris, formerly of London.


JC 23.11.1894 death

On Sabbath, 17th November at 9, Mercer’s Avenue, Long Acre, Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Richard and Mary Dacosta, aged 5 months.


JC 17.8.1894 death

On 12th August, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Sager, 52 Leconfield Rd., Canonbury, N., Hannah, wife of the Rev. H. J. Dainow, of Leicester, and daughter of Mr. & Mrs. R. Reubenson, aged 33.


JC 5.10.1894 death

On 30th September (erev Rosh Hashana), at the age of 60, at 173 Sandringham Rd.., Dalston, the residence of her daughter, Hannah Kauders, wife of the Rev. A. B. Kauders (formerly of Judith College, Ramsgate), mother of Mrs. I. J. Hirschbein and Mr. Samuel Dainow.


JC 5.1.1894 birth

DANIELS - On 2nd January at 20 Grove Rd., Bow, the wife of Joshua Daniels of a daughter.


JC 6.4.1894 marriage

On 7th March at the New Synagogue, Mr. H. Davidson of Johannesburg, to Miss Kate Waldman, daughter of Michael Waldman, 251 Hackney Rd., London.


JC 27.4.1894 marriage

On 19th April at the West London Synagogue, Upper Berkeley Sy., E. Harry Davies, of 41, Blomfield Rd., Maida Hill, W., to Lizzie, youngest daughter of Abraham Hoffnung, of 24 Kensington Gore.


JC 1.6.1894 fiances

Susan Woolf of Lurgan House, 78 Highbury New Park, N., daughter of Joel Woolf, 10 St. Mark’s St., Goodman’s Fields, to Sam Davies of Johannesburg, second son of Harris Davies, late of Sheffield.


JC 6.7.1894 fiance

Fanny, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Jacobs, of Newport (Mon.), to the Rev. Coleman Davies, nephew of the Rev. M. Hast, and Minister of the New Dalston Synagogue, London.


JC 24.8.1894 marriage

On 21st August at the Great Synagogue, Susan Woolf, fourth daughter of Mr. Joel Woolf, to Mr. Samuel Davies, of Johannesburg. Lurgan House, 28 Highbbury New Park, N.


JC 24.8.1894 death

On 20th August at 93 Evering Rd., Stoke Newington, Joseph, son of George and Abigail Davies, aged 14.


JC 12.9.1890 death

On 8th September at 433 Kingsland Rd., David Davis, father of Mrs J Abrahams of 32 Alington Crescent, Dalston.


JC 19.9.1890 return thanks

Mrs Judah Cohen and Mrs L Isaacs - brother D Davis. 108 Wardour St. and 169 Kingsland Rd.


JC 15.5.1891 death

On 10th May at 20 Floreston St., Mrs Kate Phillips, sister to Roley, Celia, Rose and Amelia Marks and also to Mrs H Davis of Sheffield, who is staying at 5 British St., Bow. Sister to Mr Jarvey Marks of 123 Grosvenor Rd., Canonbury. Wife of Jonas Phillips, aged 60.


JC 5.1.1894 death

On 26th Decenber (1893) at 6, Charlotte St., Bedford Sq., Adolph Gonski, brother of Mrs. Joseph Davis, aged 86.


JC 23.2.1894 marriage

DAVIS:JOSEPH - On the 20th February at the New Synagogue, Caroline, only daughter of Ben and Esther Davis of 52 St Peter's Rd., E., to Edward, eldest son of Isaac and Jane Joseph of Hastings Villa, Richmond Rd., Hackney, and of Spitalfields Market.


JC 2.3.1894 marriage

On 27th February at the Central Synagogue, Great Portland St., Lizzie, third daughter of Mrs. Rachel Davis, and the late David Davis of 2, Belsize Square, Hampstead, to Maurice, son of Mr. & Mrs. Philip Woolf of 12 Waterloo Terrace, N.


JC 9.3.1894 birth

On 3rd March, at 64 Grove Road, Bow, the wife of Mark Davis (née Miriam Levy) of a son.


JC 16.3.1894 death

On 10th March at 31 Abercorn Place, NW., Grace, wife of Montague Alexander Davis.


JC 30.3.1894 birth

On 27th March at 303 Mile End Rd., the wife of Sol Davis (née Shava Green) of a son.


JC 30.3.1894 birth

On 27th March at 54 Brondesbury Rd., NW., the wife of Abraham Davis of a daughter.


JC 13.4.1894 marriage

On 4th April, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Julia, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Mark Davis, of Oxford Rd., Kilburn, NW., to Maurice Henry Vanderlinde of City Rd.


JC 20.4.1894 birth

On 8th April, at 149 Finchley Rd., NW., the wife of Edward P. Davis, LLB of a daughter.


JC 4.5.1894 marriage

On April 30th at the New West End Synagogue, Henry Louis Albert, M.R.C.S., L.D.S., youngest son of Meyer Albert, of 48 The Grove, Hammersmith, to Lilian Frances, second daughter of David Henry Davis, of 16 De Vere Gardens, W.


JC 4.5.1894 marriage

On 2nd May, at the Central Synagogue, Great Portland St., Edgar Davis, Eldest son of the late David Davis, late of 96 Queen’s Rd., Bayswater, to Beatrice, fourth daughter of Charles Lynes, Rosebury Lodge, 183 Maida Vale, W.


JC 4.5.1894 death

On 28th April at 9, Ormiston Rd., hepherd’s Bush, Jeannette Davis, aged 75 years, widow of the late Joseph Davis of Edgware Rd., Hyde Park, W.


JC 18.5.1894 death

On 10th May at "The Star and Garter Hotel", Putney, SW., Hannah, relict of the late Solomon Davis.


JC 18.5.1894 return thanks

Mr. Lionel Davis, sisters and brothers… mother Jeannette Davis.


JC 25.5.1894 birth

On 19th May at 60 Lansdowne Rd., Kensington Park, W., the wife of Reginald G. Davis of a son.


JC 15.6.1894 marriage

On 13th June at the residence of the bride’s parents, Edward Barczinsky of Newcastle-on-Tyne and Beckenham, to Florence, daughter of David Davis, 111, Alexandra Rd., South Hampstead, NW.


JC 13.7.1894 barmitzvah

Mr. & Mrs. Sol Davis, of 303 Mile end Rd… Barmitzvah of third son Benjamin on July 21st. Portion to be read at East London Synagogue.


JC 20.7.1894 marriage

On 11th July at the Synagogue, Middle St., Brighton, John Jacobs, youngest son of Mrs. H. Jacobs of 2, Houndsditch, London, to Julia, eldest daughter of Bernard and Rose Davis, of Borough House, Borough St., Brighton.


JC 27.7.1894 in memoriam

In memory of husband and father David Davis, late of Queen;s Rd., Bayswater, died 15th July 1892.


JC 3.8.1894 death

NATHAN - On 10th July at Sacramento, California, Nathaniel J Nathan, youngest son of the late John Nathan, brother of Mrs Isaac Davis, of 35 Compton Terrace, Highbury, Mrs Henry Silver, and Henry Nathan.


JC 3.8.1894 return thanks

Mr Moss Joel and children, with Mr A Abrahams, Mr C. Abrahams, Nrs B Hyams, Mrs S Davis and Mrs B Levy return thanks...wife, mother sister and daughter, Esther Joel. 90 Mile End Rd.


JC 17.8.1894 death

LIALTER - On 9th August at 7 Endsleigh St., Joseph Lialter, aged 54. Sister Mrs H E Davis, 21 Bow Rd, brother Isaac Lialter, 2 Shortland Terrace, Leyton.


On 21st August at Oxford House, North Finchley, N., the wife of Edward Davis of a son.


JC 31.8.1894 marriage

On 28th August at the New Synagogue, Kate, daughter of the late Woolf and Phoebe Levy, formerly of Duke’s Place, to Chick, son of the late David and Betsy Davis of Kingsland.


JC 7.9.1894 fiance

Rose Davis, first daughter of Mr. & Mrs. George Davis of 207B Castle Rd., Cardiff, to Arthur Waxman of 25 Broughton St., Cheetham, Manchester.


JC 7.9.1894 in memoriam

...mother Julien Davis, died at Chantry House, 42 Abbey Rd., NW, August 21st 1893.


JC 28.9.1894 return thanks

Mrs John Davis returns thanks...sister Mrs. Emanuel Levy. 20 Bedford Sq., WC.


JC 26.10.1894 birth

On 21st October at "Louisville", 31 Beresford Rd., Highbury New Park, the wife of Louis Levene Davis of a daughter.


JC 26.10.1894 marriage

On 11th October at the Westerm Synagogue, Henry Harrison of Port Elizabeth, to Maria Davis, daughter of the late Moss Davis and of Mrs. Moss Davis, 26 Glasshouse St., W.


JC 9.11.1894 marriage

On 6th November at the residence of the bride’s parents, Charles Michael Davis of Birmingham to Hilda, daughter of Solomon and Hannah Pizer of 25 Belsize Rd., NW.


JC 23.11.1894 death

On 16th November at 3, Beaumont St., Mile End, Julia, wife of Jacob Davis, daughter of Dave and Rebecca Moss of Johannesburg, aged 25 years.


JC 30.11.1894 marriage

On 22nd November at North London Synagogue, Eva (Tummy), youngest daughter of Julius and Miriam Jacobson of Cecil House, Isledon rd., N., to Albert, second son of the late Alfred Asher Davis.


JC 7.12.1894 in memoriam

… Annie Davis, mother of Louisa Salmon, of 76 Queen’s Rd., Bayswater, died December 2nd, 1889.


JC 28.12.1894 marriage

On 25th December at Newburg Hall, Brighton, Herman, only son of the late John Davis, of Birmingham, to Rose, Youngest daughter of the late David Davis of Queen’s Rd., Bayswater.


JC 1.11.1895 death

On 29th October at his residence, 12 Ellison St., Middlesex St., Moses Davis in his 57th year. Father of Jane, Mrs. B. Vallentine, 39 Middlesex St.


JC 16.3.1894 death

On 11th March at 67, Geneva Rd., Brixton, Eleanor (Nellie), youngest child of Bernard and Hannah De Bear, aged 3 ½ years. Shiva at 24 Millman St., Guildford St., WC.


JC 27.7.1894 marriage

On 18th July at the New West End Synagogue, Bayswater, Hyman, third son of Mrs. and the late André Block, of 24A Hereford Rd., Bayswater, to Leah, fifth daughter of Mrs. and the late Aaron De Bear of 24 Millman St., W.


JC 28.9.1894 birth

On 25th September at 16 Tredegar Sq., Mile End, the wife of J. De Casseres of a son.


JC 6.4.1894 death

JOSEPH - At Brighton on March 30th, in her 87th year, Ellen, relict of Isaac Joseph, the mother of Mrs Isaac de Costa, Mrs H Moss, Mrs Siegenberg and Messrs M. H. and J. Joseph.


JC 25.1.1895 fiance

Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. I De Costa of Anglesea House, 93, London Rd., Brighton, to Phil Abrahams of 8 Queen Sq., Aldersgate St., London, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. I Abrahams.


JC 27.4.1894 death

On 21st April, at 33 High Holborn, WC., Charles De Pinna, aged 53.


JC 28.9.1894 marriage

On 23rd September at the Berkeley ST., Synagogue, Montague I. De Pinna, youngest son of Mrs. Jannette de Pinna and the late Charles de Pinna of 33 High Holborn, to Nellie Snelling of Southsea.


JC 4.5.1894 death

On 26th April at his residence, 10 St. John’s the Evangelist Rd., NW., Benjamin M. De Solla, aged 77.


JC 7.12.1894 birth

On 1st December, at 14, Benbow Rd., Hammersmith, the wife of Sam Wolffers (née Kate de Vries) of a daughter (stillborn).


JC 2.11.1894 death

On 26th Tishri, 26th October, at 20 Portland Rd., Finsbury Park, Sara, wife of Eliazer de Winter in the 77th year of her age.


JC 9.5.1890 death

On 2nd May at 8 Hyde Park Mansions, Flora, wife of Moss Defries, aged 57.


JC 16.5.1890 return thanks

Lieut. Col. Defries and daughters - 6 Hyde Park Mansions.


JC 19.12.1890 death

On 14th December at 40 Bancroft Rd., Adelaide (Ada), wife of I Levy and third daughter of Mr H Defries of 318 Mile End Rd., aged 27.


JC 20.2.1891 and 27.2.1891 death

On 15th February at 35 Nile St., City Rd., Kitty, aged 20, daughter of John and Julia Defries.


JC 27.2.1891 return thanks

Sister of Kitty Defries was Mrs L Isaacs of 90 Hoxton St.


JC 8.5.1891 barmitzvah

Mr and Mrs I L Defries, 10 Tenter St N, 9th May 1891 - son Herman's barmitzvah at the Great Synagogue.


JC 27.4.1894 death

DRILSMA - On 22nd April at 36 Tillman St., Lower Chapman St., E., Mrs. K. Drilsma, sister of I. L. Defries, aged 45. Shiva 4 Raven Row, Bishopsgate.


JC 3.8.1894 marriages

DEFRIES:MORRIS - On 26th July at West London Synagogue, Daisy, daughter of Coleman Defries, of 34 Belsize Park, to Frank Morris of Hope Dean, 24 Harley Rd., South Hampstead.


JC 10.8.1894 death

DEFRIES - On 3rd August at 4 Raven Row, Spitalfields, Betsy, wife of I L Defries, aged 45, daughter of Moses Levy, of 18 Sandringham Rd., Dalston. American and Australian papers please copy.


JC 5.10.1894 announcement

Mr. I. L. Defries begs to give warning that his eldest son Louis is NOT authorised to receive money on his behalf, and any amounts paid after this notice as contributions to institutions of which Mr. I. L. Defries is Collector will not be recognised - 4 Raven Row, Spitalfields.


JC 1.3.1895 death

On 22nd February at 13 Kings Rd., Brownswood Park, Rachel, widow of the late Alfred Coleman Cohen and 2nd daughter of the late Nathan Defries, aged 61.


JC 20.7.1894 marriage

On 17th July, at the North London Synagogue, Barnett Van der Slous, third son of Isaac and Julia Van der Slous, to Harriet der Paauw


JC 21.12.1894 death

On 19th December, Priscilla, wife of Simon Deyong, of 37 Newcastle St., Whitechapel, and Stoney-Lane, Houndsditch. Mourned by husband, sons, daughters and grandchildren, and her brother, Ezekiel Moss, of 33 Newcastle st., aged 71.


JC 28.12.1894 return thanks

Mr. S. Deyong and family of New Castle St., Whitechapel thank the Executive and Members of the Old Castle St. Synagogue and the Chevra Tehillim for their kind condolence and respect…


JC 28.12.1894 return thanks

Mr. S. Deyong and Children of New Castle St., Whitechapel, …thanks… wife and mother.


JC 26.6.1891 death

On 20th June at Berlin, in her 80th year, Louise Drielsma, mother of Abraham Drielsma of 42 Montague Rd., Dalston, and Emanuel Drielsma of 113 Portsdown Rd., Maida Vale.


JC 24.8.1894 birth

DRIELSMA - On 16th August at 25 British St., Bow, the wife of H Drielsma (better known as Adams) of a daughter.


JC 27.4.1894 death

DRILSMA - On 22nd April at 36 Tillman St., Lower Chapman St., E., Mrs. K. Drilsma, sister of I. L. Defries, aged 45. Shiva 4 Raven Row, Bishopsgate.


JC 22.6.1894 fiance

On 22nd May at Johannesburg, Frances, fourth daughter of Mr. & Mrs. M. Knocker, late of 65 St. Peter’s Rd., London, to Robert M., eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. S. Driman, late of London.


JC 27.7.1894 death

On 15th July, at the residence of her son-in-law, Doctor Myer Dutch, 252 Camden Rd., NW., Maria Marsh.


JC 9.2.1894 death

Charles Dyte, formerly of London, much respected.


JC13.7.1894 fiance

Ethel (Esther), youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Julius M. Green, of 25 Greenfield St., Commercial Rd., to Samuel, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. Dywien, of Germany, and brother of Mr. Harris Dywien of 267 Commercial Rd., E.

© Jeffrey Maynard, 2000