Harrow County School for Boys
The Staff, September 1932

Head Master:

Mr. Randall Williams

Deputy Head Master

Mr. J. S. Davies


Head of Department: Mr. S. F. Fooks
Mr. Randall Williams (The Headmaster)
Mr. G. G. Armstrong
Mr. P. B. Bradley
Mr. H. S. Parkinson
Mr. S. R. Watson


Head of Department: Mr. H. W. Brister (House Master of Preston)
Mr. E. J. Atkinson
Mr. E. B. Cooper
Mr. W. G. E Duke
Mr. E. A. S. Evans
Mr. R. R. Jones


Head of Physics: Mr. W. T. Heys (House Master of Kenton)
Mr. J. L. Brewin
Mr. G. Dale Cast
Mr. E. A. S. Evans

Head of Chemistry: Mr. George Thorn
Mr. J. L. Brewin
Mr. G. Dale Cast
Mr. E. A. S. Evans

Biology: Mr. J. L. Brewin


Head of Department: Mr. W. H. King (House Master of Welldon)
Mr. Randall Williams (The Headmaster)
Mr. R. T. Attridge
Mr. C. R. Crinson
Dr. R. W. Hartland
Mr. S. R. Watson


Mr. R. T. Attridge


Head of Department: Mr. J. S. Davies (the Senior Master)
Mr. R. W. Hartland
Mr. R. R. Jones


Mr. J. S. Davies


Head of Department: Mr. H. D. G. Woodhall
Mr. G. G. Armstrong
Mr. C. R. Crinson
Mr. E. A. S. Evans


Head of Department: Mr. J. S. Davies
Mr. G. G. Armstrong
Mr. C. R. Crinson
Mr. H. S. Parkinson

Economics and Accounting:

Mr. W. T. Guy

Manual Instruction:

Mr. H. W. Webb

Physical Education:

Mr. A. Amos


Head of Department: Mr. G. Neal (House Master of Northwick)
Mr. G. Dale Cast

Elementary Practical Work:
Mr. E. A. S. Evans
Mr. H. S. Parkinson


Mr. G. Thorn


Mr. C. J. Atkins

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