Welcome to Speech Day 1961. First, to feel the ethos and atmosphere of the School in 1961, read your programme...
Programme (a large file - takes time over a dial-up modem)
As the climax to the Jubilee celebrations, Speech Day was held in the evening of July 20th 1961, and was attended by over 1,000 people, representing county and civic dignitaries, parents, Old Boys, and present pupils. The principal guest was the Minister of Education, the Rt. Hon. Sir David Eccles, K.C.V.O., P.C., M.A., M.P. Lady Eccles kindly consented to present the prizes.
The Chairman, County Alderman Colonel Sir Joseph Haygarth, C.B.E., J.P., Chairman of Middlesex County Council, referred to the outstanding record of the School in examination successes, which was due to the Headmaster's wonderful lead. He mentioned that we possessed "one of the largest and most flourishing Combined cadet Forces in the country", and commented onn the list of famous Old Boys listed in the programme, which included five Schoolboy Rugby Internationalists,a Senior English Rugby Trialist, and three Olympics Games representatives.
His Worship, the Mayor of Harrow, Alderman W. O. Allen, J.P. welcomed the guests.
The Headmaster, Dr. A. R. Simpson. - Click for Speech.
After welcoming the assembled guests, and referring to the honour done to the School by the presence of the Minister, the Headmaster reminded us that "the seal of royal approval" had been se on our activities by the Queen's invitation to himself and Mrs. Simpson to attend a Royal Garden Party. Our slogan for the future must be "to keep on earning was to keep on deserving".
Lady Eccles charmed everyone by her poise as she presented the prizes and expressed her own delight at being present. The Chairman then introduced the Minister.
Sir David Eccles - Click for Speech
Votes of thanks were proposed and seconded by the Chairman of the Harrow Education Committee, Alderman Mrs. D. A. Nott-Cock, and by the Head Boy, G. R. J. Morris, and were acknowledged by prolonged applause.
Among those present were the Principal Private Secretary to the Minister of Education, H.M. Inspector of Schools for the Metropolitan Area, the Chairman of the Middlesex Education Committee, the County Clerk, the Chief Education Officer for Middlesex, the Borough Education Officer, the Harrow Town Clerk, and the Headmistress of the Girls' County School, as well as local M.P.s, Headmasters of Schools and Technical Colleges all over Middlesex, and many County and Borough Alderman and Councillors.