Harrow County School for Boys

Speech Day October 1967

At the School Speech Day, on October 26th, we were honoured  to have as our guests Dr. R. L. James, Headmaster of Harrow school, and his wife.  Mrs. James very graciously presented the prizes.  Dr. James spoke on the theme that "Honour is a harder master than the law".  A feature of the evening was  the first performance of a Suite for Clarinet, Piano and Flute composed by Gary Findon of IVA.

List of Prizewinners in order of Presentation:

Blazek, M.R. 1 1st
Bridger J.P. 1 2nd
Braude, J.W. 1 3rd
Long, R.W. 1 4th
Carne, T.K. 2A 1st
Edwards, M.C. 2A 2nd
Aylmer, C.A. 2A 3rd
Williams, D.T. 2B 1st
Ware, P.L.G. 2C 1st
Green, S.R. 2D 1st
Horan, M. 3A 1st
Logan, J.A. 3A 2nd
Sheinwald, N.E. 3A 3rd
Russell, M.A. 4A 1st
Robinson, M.A. 4A 2nd
Green, R.C. 4A 3rd
Webber, D.L. 4B 1st
Newman, R.H. 4C 1st
Spring, I.K. 4D 1st
Williams, C.N. 4D 1st
Harris, N.E. 5 1st
Jones, G.W.E. 5 2nd
Kinman, C.P. 5 3rd
Krause, J.E. 5 4th
Maynard, J.M. 5 5th
Morgan, R.D. 5 6th
Oven, J.A. 5 7th
Sado, G.D. 5 8th


Name Subject
Davies, M.R. Technical
Maizels, S.I. Economic History; Economics; History
Dando, J.M. German
Davis, A.D. British Constitution
Fischel, R.H. British Constitution
Gordon, D.M. Accounts
Kellaway, M.J. Physics and Applied Mathematics
Collings, P.S. Physics and Applied Mathematics
McManus, I.C. Physics
Booth, C.H. Chemistry
Lloyd, D.R. Chemistry
Rabey, P. Chemistry and Pure Mathematics
Eden, E. Botany
Pursell, I.G. Zoology
Smith, P.J. Pure Maths
Bruce, R.A.O. Spanish
Goldsmith, J.P. Latin and Greek
Gilbert, B.G. Latin and Greek and English
Webb, C.J. Art
Tomsett, M.J. Geography and Russian
Kon, S.D. French
Pirie, D. English


Advanced 6th
Name Subject
Roberts. G.M. Technical Drawing and Applied Mathematics
Gallico, S.J. German; Latin; Greek
Kenner, S.A. Economic History and English
Wiggett, A.J Economics
Dennis, R.A.G. British Constitution
Ingram, S.J. Physics
Saktreger, R. Physics and Pure Mathematics
Hopkins, G.P. Physics
Martin, P.D. Chemistry
Offer, D.J. Chemistry
Murrell, G.A. Botany
Yeo, A.R. Zoology
Feuillade, C. Pure Mathematics
Ingram, S.I. Applied Mathematics
Rogers, N.G. English and Gordon Memorial
Lineton, R. Spanish
Elkan, R,S, Art
May, Ian
Brown, K.R. Geology
Head, J.O. Geography
Carruthers, A.J. History
Ainley, D.A. French and Lady Alice Prize for English
Fourth Year 6th
Looser, R.A. Pure Mathematics and Science
May, J.C. Applied Mathematics and Science
Tebbenham, R.L. Science
Haines-Stiles, J. History
Third Year 6th
Davies, W. History
Cobb, J.H. Physics and Applied Mathematics
Luetchford, R.S. Economics
Ruddock, J.C. Chemistry, Pure Mathematics and Physics
Purse, J.G. Chemistry
Whittington, J.R. Zoology
Doole, D.J. Pure Mathematics
Elvin, C.J. Applied Mathematics
Adamson, S.M. English
Clarke, R. Spanish
Barton, A.J. Latin and Greek
Sadler, P.M. Geography
Blann, R.L. French
Casely, R.C. German


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