Harrow County School for Boys

Life Saving Awards 1952

The following awards were gained in the examinations of the Royal Life Saving Society up to the end of August, 1952:

Intermediate Certificate: Brookes, H.T.; Edwards, D,J.

Bronze Medallion:  Allen, W.; Burns, R.C.; Campbell, R.; Cooke, P.P.; Grey, M.D.; Hooper, M.J.; Hyett, A.D.; Jones, D.L.; Littlefield, J.L.G.; Moran, D.J.; Oldfield, G.K.; Pedley, F.H.; Selman, G.L.; Stocker, A.J.; Summers, R.J.; Udall, D.H.; Ward, P.R.; White, M.A.; Wilson, K.

First Bar to Medallion:  Cooper, B.E.; Smith, J.S.; Thorpe, W.E.

Fourth Bar to Medallion:  Hill, R.J.; Pain,W.G.

Bronze Cross:  Cooke, P.P.; Smith, J.S.; Stocker, A.J.; Thorpe, W.E.

Award of Merit:  Pain, W.G.

Instructor's Certificate:  Cooper, B.E.; Hill, R.J.; Pain, W.G.

R. T. Attridge


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