This years classes were larger than usual, 48 candidates staying the course and taking the examinations. Although gratifying, as showing the general keenness, this fact was rather embarrassing, firstly, owing to the size of the bath, and secondly, because there were only two instructors. Nevertheless, the two instructors controlled their classes extremely well. There were eight failures this year, in most cases owing to failure to bring up the object from the bottom. this only serves to emphasise the need for plenty of practice, apart from the limited time provided by the classes. The names of the successful candidates are as follows:-
First Class Instructor: Giddings, D.; Rushton, P.
Bar to Medallion: Fox, J.P.; Giddings, D.; Rushton, P.
Medallion: Backhouse, J.R.; Butler, P.F.; Doe, P.J.; Hartley, G.; Higgins, D.L.; Loveridge, J.A.; Miles, G.W.; Paterson, H.C.; Ratcliffe, A.G.; Sindell, K.H.; Walter, C.L.; Welling, E.A.
Medallion and Certificate: Alexander, D.H.; Baylis, K.G.; Camish, D.T.; Chiverton, P.F.J.; Dibben, J.A.; Parrish, D.A.; Pockett, J.; Preston, J.R.; Revell, V.D.
Certificate: Alley, B.W.; Andrews, R.J.; Aspinall, D.M.; Ballard, B.W.; Brown, A.G.; Coxon, A.J.; Evans, R.S.; Gibbons, R.J.; Hancox, R.; Klein, A.H.; McGowan, R.A.; Misson, T.W.; Myall, G.R.; Silsby, R.W.; Weller, A.F.; Wight, D.
R. T. Attridge