Proficiency Certificate: A. C. Bishop, B. B. Bowles, K. Coman, N. E. Davis, J. A. Edmunds, R. F. Gardner, R. J. Green, H. G. Simpson, A. B. Slater, A. Smith, R. Turpin, A. F. Webster.
Bronze Medallion: J. T. Daniels, T. P. Wardle.
Certificate and Medallion: R. F. Eustace, R. D. Smith, J. N. Wilkins.
First Bar to Medallion: D. M. Bradley, C. A. Cox.
First Class Instructor: P. D. Croxson.
Second Class Instructor: D. M. Bradley, C. A. Cox, G. S. Salmon.
Many candidates have been making enquiries as to the non-arrival of the awards. I know how anxious they must be to receive them, but the following extract from a letter sent by the Royal Life-Saving Society will explain why they have not been received up to date:-
"... I regret that you have had anxious enquiries ... It is with great regret that we have been unable to send your medals with the same speed as in pre-war times, due to our medal makers having suffered from enemy action, their delivery of goods having been considerably delayed. In addition to this, although we have a licence from the Government, we are experiencing difficulty in obtaining metal to complete the supplies."
R. T. Attridge