Harrow County School for Boys

Life Saving Awards 1939

The uncertainties of last term caused us to miss the December [1939] issue of The Gaytonian.  Here is, therefore, a rather belated list of the Life-Saving awards gained last July.

Medallion:  Bradley, D.M.; Chambers, G.L.; Cox, C.A.; Till, P.H.

Bar to Medallion:  Painter, E.; Tull, V.F.G.;

Medallion and Certificate:  Croxson, P.D.; Garnham, E.; Knowles, W.C.; Webb, C.J.; Youens, L.

Certificate:  Brooks, L.G.; Daniels, J.D.; Dowling, L.S.; Hearne, T.J.; Middleton, J.W.; Rushton, P.; Simpson, J.K.; Smeaton, W.A.; Tanter, A.; Wardle, T.P.B.; Youens, P.

First Class Instructor:  Steel, M.S.; Tull, V.F.G.

Second Class Instructor:  Painter, E.

There seems at present no reason why Life-Saving should not proceed normally next term, and, as usual, boys above Form II and being at least twelve years of age next July, are eligible to join the classes, provided they are prepared to attend regularly and to practice in their own time.  Apart from its primary aim - the prevention of death from drowning - the course includes instruction in artificial respiration, which is distinctly valuable for the purposes of A.R.P.  Any one who follows the course is, therefore, makimg himself doubly useful and would be a real asset in an emergency.

Forms will be notified early next term of the time and the place of the first meeting.

R. T. Attridge


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