It has been an outstanding year for Athletics, and several boys have made astonishing improvements in their own performances. JIM MOSELEY became Senior Champion on Sports Day, won the Ball Cup for the outstanding achievement of the Year and was awarded a plaque for the best track performance of the inter-schools Old Gaytonians' Trophy Meeting.
In addition, he:
Won two races and the Long Jump on Sports Day
Broke the Sports Day Record for 200m.
Won the 400m. at the Harrow Schools Championship (in record time)
Won the 400m. at the Middlesex Schools Meeting (in his personal best time of 51
sec.) and was chosen to represent Middlesex in the All-England Championships,
helping them to third place in the relay.
Is currently Old Gaytonians Champion for the 200m. (in 23.2 secs.)
Not a bad record for someone who was a long-distance runner a year ago. He was also awarded his colours for Cross-Country and shared the Improvement Cup for that sport with PHILIP O'BRIEN.
Philip, too, has had a good year, finishing third in the Middlesex Schools Cross-Country and being chosen to run in the All-England Championships at Brighton. At the time of writing he is Old Gaytonians' Champion and record-holder in the 3000m. steeplechase.
The U-14 XV was probably the most successful team this season. Under Mr. G. Lloyd-Jones' leadership, they scored 672 points and lost only 7 out of 25 games. They lost the Middlesex U-14 Cup Final narrowly. At Easter they toured the Bournemouth area, scoring 156 points in three undefeated matches. D. Thomas, their Captain, scored over 250 points during the season.
We were pleased to read in the local press that Old Gaytonians were shining on the cricket field. We noticed Bessborough, particularly, stuffed with O. G.'s such as Kevin Fleet, who was adjudged Man of the Match in the Mayor's Plate Competition and continued to have several striking bowling figures.
Wealdstone Methodists, too, had their stars in Richard Tufnell and Gareth Lloyd-Jones, names that seem familiar.
Mr. P. Webb, P. E. Student in the Spring Term, played for Borough road in the Middlesex Sevens at Twickenham in May, but his team were beaten by Saracens in the Sixth Round.
Colin Pollard, 5E, played for Middlesex U-15 Cricket XI against Highgate, Surrey, Suffolk, Essex, London, Kent, Hants, Berks and Herts.
Charles McCarthy played for England in the Ten-Pin Bowling Championships in Holland in April. England won the tournament, and Charles became European Youth Champion.
It was announced that the Sponsored Games Week held in July had raised £570. From this money, indoor cricket nets, a cricket score box, fibre-glass poles and other equipment were purchased and £125 went towards a dinghy. First prizes for collecting most money went to J. Bonner, G. Giles, P. Ramsbridge and P. Stuyvesant.
At Prize Giving in November, the Guest of Honour was the Cultural Attache at the United States Embassy, Professor Wayne Wilcox. we were delighted by his address and it was most distressing to learn a few weeks later of his tragic death in a flying accident. Among the many recipients of prizes were the Head Boy, James Ritchie, former Head Boy Gary Poole, and three "Lady Alice" prizewinners, Nicholas Austin (for Music) and Michael Hardy and Richard Grunewald (for Shakespeare).
Martin Garman was awarded a Cleobury Open scholarship in History at Pembroke College, Oxford. Gary Richards and Mark Blazek were awarded Commonerships by examination at Fitzwilliam and Christ's Colleges, respectively (both at Cambridge).
Places at Oxford were won by Alan Allard (Christ Church, for Modern Studies), Jonathan Grunewald (Keble, for English) and Michael Hardy (St. Edmund Hall, for English.}
In the New Year Honours, the Director of Education, Mr. ball, received the O.B.E., and Old Gaytonian Dr. Denis Shaw, of Keble College, Oxford, the C.B.E.
On the Mock Election in February, Richard Katz was elected as the Liberal Member for HCS with 215 votes, a majority of 37 over his Conservative oponent, Martin Kirke. Neil Davies (Labour) was third with 40 votes and the Feudalist cabdidate, Philip Harratt received only 13 votes.
Among many outstanding speakers for the Sixth Form Society was Miss Arianna Stassinopoulos, author of "The Female Woman", who gave an ardent and cogent speech attacking the advocates of "Women's Lib."
All praise to Andrew Bickerdike and Mr. P. E. Cole, who have started the Voluntary Service organisation known as "Decorps", which has been formed to help with the decoratingof Old People's homes. Volunteers are required.
The Amenities Fund continued to be supported by some parents, though not by all. Nearly £600 was distributed in the spring Term. If every parent gave the sum of 50p per term as requested, we could more than double this total every year.
The local paper featured the Biology Department and their CCTV activities. A whole-page article showed P. King, S. Christian, L. Levy and R. Mailer naking a film.
A party under Mr. Ling visited Romania in the easter holidays: see the article by Peter Lawson in this issue.
At the Book sale in the Old Hall in May, £170 was taken in two days. Hundreds of paper-back books were on display and boys were able to browse to their hearts' content.
Merit Award Ties were won by Marek Pieczora (Slav Society and Convergence), Paul Diner (Convergence), Gareth Stenner (Stage), Lawrence Dooley (Reprographic Society), Keith Plmer (Gaytonian), Martin Samuels and Geoffrey Kinmond (Book Room), Nicholas Young (Archivist), Robert Tomski (Library), Jonathan Cohen and Colin Pollard (Box Office), Nigel Doggett and Mark Stott (Stationery Stores), Gareth Price (School Shop), Bryan Stephenson and Nicholas Thomas (Lighting), Peter David (Enquiry Editor), and Howard Moss (Rugby Club).
Iain Cobb organised a collection for the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and handed over a cheque for £150 in May.
The tenth issue of "Enquiry" came out in July and was a really magnificent effort. It included articles from all the previous editors and was a fitting tribute to the work of the Science Departments of this school over the years. It will be sad if it is indeed the last issue of this nationally famous magazine.
Another Science achievement was the winning of the first prize in the junior section of the competition run by the National Association of School Natural History Societies by Nucholas Rowe for an article in last year's "Enquiry" on Bird-watching.
In July, P. King, S. Christian and R. Mailer displayed the results of their investigation into onion growth at the London Science Fair.
The Gayton Fair in July was as successful as ever. Our intrepid reporter, though, was too late for the bargains he wanted in M. Bunting's marvellous New Hall display of cut-price household goods, and for Rod Stevens' popular greengrocery stall. The promised captive balloon found the weather too stormy. we were pleased to meet a number of Old Boys, including R. Tabb, who took his B.Sc. at Bristol and has now taken an M. Sc. in Polymer Technology at Loughborough. He is working with Monsanto Chemicals and Living in Bristol. he would be pleased to help anyone who is contemplating a similar career, and we have his address. We also saw M. Dover, who has a B.Sc. from Leicester and is working with Noel Penny Turbines.
Mr. Jack Warwick retired as laboratory assistant in the technical workshops, and decided to emigrate to Tasmania. We hear, however, that he is unsettled there and is returning in the New Year.
B6 suffered a transformation this year, when a team led by Mr. R. Tufnell and Mr. P. Cole stripped all the existing furniture, re-painted the entire room and prepared the ground for the installation of new comfortable seating. The room is to be used for visual aids and other special groups. We hope that it will be allowed to remain in its new state of purity.
Earlier this Summer, a mural was unveiled in the Civic Centre, consisting of over 700 colourful wall tiles representing many aspects of Harrow life. Any readers who have not yet seen it are urged to visit the Centre to see these tiles, on the first floor. The School contributed material for a number of these and it is a fascinating exercise trying to see how many school connections one can find illustrated, among them being the school crest, Gayton Fair, the Purcell Room concert and two famous Old Boys, Sir Sidney Caine and the late Professor Sir Charles Dodds.
Organ recital by Carl Jackson and others at St. Mary's Church, Kenton.
Gaytonians produced "Who Killed Santa Claus?" and "Duet for Two Hands".
The Christmans Entertainment, "Fingers" raised over £100 for charity.
The Christmas Concert included the first hearing of songs by the Spanish Assistant, Sr. Guerrero, and one of the last chances to hear Andrew Findon playing the flute. He gave his farewell performances in the Summer (see below) and then was seen and heard with the National Youth Orchestra on Television.
The Gaytonians Dramatic Club presented "Vivat! Vivat! Regina!" It was produced by Mr. Arthur Purton, their Chairman, who joined the School in 1911 and was its first Head Boy.
Mr. K. C. Waller translated and produced "The Government Inspector" for Convergence. It is reviewed elsewhere.
Gaytonians Dramatic Club produced "The Provoked Wife", starring Mrs. Avery, Reg Bowen and Barbara Ashby.
The Music society's Summer Concert featured a large number of soloists including Carl Jackson and Andrew Findon (see above) and concluded with a production by Andrew Taylor of the comic operetta, "Cox and Box."
The term was rounded off by a sad occasion: the last performance by Convergence. Produced in two weeks by Mr. H. J. Mees, this was a Victorian Evening, starting with songs by Miss E. Mills, former Head of English at Lowlands Road, Miss. M. L. Hughes, Mr. J. F. Ling and Old Gaytonian Mr. Nigel Rogers. The items were introduced by a delectable Mrs. A. Rogers and Mr. K. C. Waller accompanied with panache. The climax of the evening and of the year was Mr. D. R. Burt's masterly portrayal of the villain Corder in "Maria Marten". The audience rose splendidly to the occasion, and hissed away in fine style. Mr. Mees' production had everything: verve, finesse, gusto, speed and the right melodramatic barnstorming atmosphere. It was a tremendous success, and the professional work done in stage management and lighting by members of the Girl's School underlined the pity of having to disband such a thriving company.
John Graham received frequent praise throughout the year for his acting; his major activity outside the school is with the Young Theatre at North Harrow, of which he is Membership Secretary. They need new members and held an attractive Open Day in July to tempt them in. If you are interested, see him in the Prefects' Room. He is this term's Head Boy.
During the Summer, Miss Rachel Goldberg, formerly on the Music Staff, was playing with the International Academy Orchestra at the Salzburg Festival. She has recently finished a course at the Vienna Academy.
In spite of repeated pleas and frequent promises, we are still awaiting the official Scouting Report. But from the local press we culled the following items of news:
The scout H.Q. was opened in Kenton afetr many years of struggling and many disappointments.
The Merrymen indulged in a Canal Trip: details will follow when the recover.
The Scout Show at the new H.Q. played to the usual packed and enthusiastic audiences.
The annual Devizes to Westminster canoe race was attempted by Gareth Smith and Chris Meyer, representing the Harrow and Wealdstone Venture Scouts. It was an agonising test of endurance.
A group went to Lundy Island and ended up puffing loudly.
On the Queen's Birthday in April, some Venture Scouts marched past Her Majesty. These included Gary Richards, Tony Horne, Gareth Smith and Paul Logan. History has no record of the Queen's impressions of their marching.
In the Borough Youth Quiz, the Cup was won by Venture Scouts from the 4th Harrow. These were Logan, Taylor, Whitlum, Owen and Rowe.
Before retiring as Group Scout Leader, Tony Cresswell presented Chief Scout's Awards to Clive Armstrong and Keith Daniels (Merrymen) and Orienteering Badges to Andrew Juraschek and Ian Muir (gold) and Keith Daniels (silver).
In May, a team of Wealdstone Venture scouts won the Sedan Chair Rally at Gilwell Park: among their number was Chris Meyer. Also competing were members of the 4th Harrow, who won third prize for their sedan chair, which celebrated what for some boys has been the most important event of the year, the winning by Wealdstone F.C. of the Southern League Division One (South) Championship. This team comprised Paul Novak, Colin Curtis, Neil Balderstone, Derek Wolfe, Gareth Smith (resting from his canoe race by being carried in the chair), Martin Whitlim, Ian Garrod, Stephen Doo and the inevitable Paul Logan.
In July, the Chief Scout's Award was presented to Russell David and David Janata.
At the beginning of the Summer Holidays, a group of Venture Scouts were on duty at a Buckingham Palace Garden Party; these included Gary Richards, Queen's Scout and tired canoeist Gareth Smith, Tony Horne, Paul Novak, and Greg ("The Archivist") Whittick.
We offer our warmest congratulations to the following on their successes:
Mr. A. G. Haley took a very stiff examination and was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College of Organists. This is an honour on which he deserves every congratulation and of which the School is justly proud.
Mr. K. R. C. Neal, on being elected a Fellow of the Institute of Biology.
Nicholas Young, of A VI 2, on winning the Vellacott prize of £50, awarded by Peterhouse, Cambridge for a History Essay.
Mr. B. G. Marchant and Mr. J. S. Golland were appointed to the position of Senior Teachers, with responsibility respectively for the Junior School and for the Sixth Form.
Lt.-Col. M. G. Venn, Second Deputy Headmaster, has been appointed Chairman of the Regional Advisory Council. He is also a member of the Technical Educational council, the National Advisory Committee for Education in Industry and Commerce and the Court of the University of Surrey.
Andrew Findon became an L.R.A.M and A.R.C.M., an astonishing achievement for one who has yet to go to a music college as a full-time student. He was seen on Television in the Summer with the National Youth Orchestra, and won the Arthur Bulgin Award of the Worshipful Company of Musicians. As we went to press he was hoping to join the BBC Radio Orchestra.
Gaytonian 1974