"In December, 1962, Mr. D. R. Kincaid presented his new traditional Christmas revue, entitled "Whirligig," in which the Madisons strongly challenged the stars of the previous year, the Lightnings, as the most popular group. One item, Drumbreak, with Geller and Schildkraut seemed even to the uninitiated to be phenomenal in its technical excellence." (from Gaytonian 1963)
The photograph on the left, contributed by Harvey Shield (Schildkraut) shows Drumbreak - with Harvey on the left and Laurie Geller on the right.
The photograph below was sent in by Mick Boggis. He writes, "This is the finale of the Christmas Entertainments of 1962. I can't remember what wacky name Don Kincaid or soemone dreamt up for it that year, Chiaroscuro and Gallimaufrey come to mind, but it's too long ago.....
"The finale featured all the 'acts' performing the Twist, to The Madisons. I think they were probably playing Let's Twist Again.
"The Madisons were then the No. 2 band at HCS; The Lightnings were No. 1, and I suppose my bunch of junior amateurs, The Jaguars (that year anyway) were No. 3. All the members of the Lightnings and The Madisons were a great influence on me, and are probably partly responsible for the fact that I've spent most of my life on the fringe of the music biz.
"The Madisons were (I think I've got this right): Dave Collis (lead gtr), Tony Bareham (rhythm gtr); Rog Glover (bs gtr), Harvey Schildkraut (dms); Mick Duvall (according to an Email from Pete Fowler, anyway) (vcls).
"The Lightnings were (again, shaky...): Graham Dimmock (lead gtr), Jerry Dicker (bs gtr), Laurie Geller (dms), Pete Regler (again, Pete Fowler had to prompt here) on vocals.
"The 2 bands merged post-HCS to form Episode 6, who had some success for a few years. Rog, of course, found the greatest success in the field.
"There is a whole history of HCS bands waiting to be written! It was a very prolific period, HCS seemed to have more bands than any other school at the time, and there were several others during my time alone.
" I can identify a few faces in the pic - Rog Glover, Tony Bareham & Dave Collis can be seen playing guitars (L to R at the back), Mick Duvall is singing, Graham Dimmock is to his right and behind a bit, to Mick's left (glasses) I think is Geoff Woolf (played in Pete Fowler's band?, the Soul Brothers?); Bob Heaps, the Jaguars' singer is in front of Dave Collis. The Jaguars' drummer, Roger Hills (an infiltrator, not HCS!) is in white shirt in front of Rog Glover. Standing at stage left are Don Kincaid and Tony Bevan."