Harrow County School for Boys

Lawn Tennis Club 1948

Lawn Tennis for Forms V and Vi has made a successful start this season.

A team was entered for the Glanville Cup - open to all schools in Great Britain.  In the first round we were beaten by University College School, but drew with Kilburn Grammar.

In the Schools Singles Tournament the Semi-Finalists are Gelhay, Coxon, Kesslau and Weller.

In the Doubles Tournament the Semi-Finalists are Gelhay and Hollidge, Hipkin and Clarke, Cadman and Kesslau, and Weller and Coxon.

The finals are to be played on the Old Gaytonians' Courts at Sudbury in July at the kind invitation of the Old Gaytonians' Tennis Club.

Source:  Gaytonian, July 1948

Last year Lawn Tennis was re-introduced into the School under the guidance of Mr. C. R. Crinson.  Three matches were played with other schools, one being won and the other two being lost.  A knock-out competition was arranged for the School, the finals of which were played at the Old Gaytonian courts at South Vale.

The results of the finals were:
Singles: R. Gelhay beat A. F. Weller by 2 sets to 0.
Doubles:  R. Gelhay and P. D. Hollidge beat A. F. Weller and A. J. Coxon by 2 sets to 1.

It is hoped that tennis will continue to flourish in the school in following years.

P. D. Hollidge

Source:  Gaytonian, December 1948


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