Harrow County School for Boys

PREFECTS in the Rain, September 1966

This photograph was contributed by Peter Hornsby. Identifications (below) from Howard Friend and Peter Hornsby.  If you can identify other names, please email them to Jeff Maynard at jeffrey@jeffreymaynard.com.


At the far left is the back of, most probably, Bill Davies' head, facing Mick Ainley.  At back, with dark hair and v-neck jumper - "Yogi" Martynoga.  Two to the right of Martynoga and to the left of Mr. Thorn is John Alderman.  Extreme right, back of head looks like Esteve.
In Front (L-R): Varley, Tebbenham, Nurse*, Hornsby, Haines-Stiles**, Knox

*now Sir Paul Nurse, Nobel Prize winner
**Geoff Haines-Stiles - documentary producer


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