Harrow County School for Boys

Northwick House 1934

This photograph was sent in by Dan Greenwood, who writes:
"I attach a scan of a school photograph from about 1934 (the year I was born) for the website collection. It might be 1933, I don't think it can be earlier, and I very much doubt if it is later than 1935.  The boy in a tie at the left hand end of the third row from the bottom is my late brother, Jack Neville Greenwood. He was born in March 1922 in Lancashire, and the family did not move to Harrow before 1932.  "I can see Mr H S "Parkie" Parkinson, a gentle man who was my brother's form master, and mine about 1947/48, and "George" Neal, who tried without success to teach us both art."   

enlargement below:


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