Next term begins on April 24th and ends on July 21st. Beginning of the Autumn term, September 5th.
The following gentlemen have joined the Staff: Mr. R. L. Hudson, Senior science Master; Mr. M. G. Venn, Geography; Mr. Farnham-Flower, Univ. dept. of Education, Oxford, working for the term with the English Staff; Mr. R. Cowell, Laboratory Assistant.
Stollery, Findlay, Norman D., Barnes, Kirby, Crombie, Taylor and Hurd have been appointed Prefects.
Comgratulations on gaining awards by examination: D. S. Price, Commonership at Hertford College, Oxford, to read History; A. T. Davis, Exhibition in English, Downing College, Cambridge; H. C. Oberst and G. A. Earl, Commonerships at Downing College, Cambridge, both to read English; R. L. Leech, Cadetship at the Royal Academy, Sandhurst; L. Hawken, Commonership at Lincoln College, Oxford, to raed History; J. Megenis, Commonership at St. Peter's Hall, Oxford to read Natural Science; G. Earl, Commonership at Lincoln College, to read English.
On February 28th, Hawlen (full back) and Lobb (forward) played for London and the Home Counties XV v. Midlands XV. Tapper and Maddock played for London and Home Counties Junior XV v. Berkshire.
We wish good luck to Mr. J. Dixon, who leaves this term to take an appointment as Assistant Lecturer in History, Dept. of Extra-Mural Studies, Nottingham University.
The Gayton Fair will take place at the end of next term. Plans are well advanced to make this year's Fair outstanding as entertainment and as a means of bringing together the School. Old Boys and Parents in a joint venture for the good of all.
The afternoon of March 21st was outstanding. The Premier of British Columbia, the Hon. Byron I. Johnson, spared a portion of his weeks visit to this country to come to the school, speak to the boys, and distribute personally a portion of the apples sent by growers of British Columbia as a gift to the youth of Britain. The Premier was welcomed by the Chairman of the Harrow Council and by the Chairman of the Education Committee.
Acknowledgements for magazines from: Harrow School, The Lyonian, Weald Chronicle, the Philologian (Marylebone G. S.)
For the coming Cricket season the officers have elected: E, M, Heslop, Captain; L. D. Hawken, Vice-Captain.
Athletic officers: D. L. Hurd, Captain; T. Stanley, Vice-Captain.
Source: Gaytonian, March 1950 (edited by Mr. Sidney Fooks)