Harrow County School for Boys

School Gossip - July 1946

It is greatly regretted by the Headmaster and Staff that it is impossible, owing to the state of the School and its buildings, to hold functions which all parents can attend at the same time.  We have strong reason to believe that in the near future (say two or three years) this will be remedied.  First things should come first, so it is heartening to know that work is about to commence on the New Dining Halls, which will have a total seating capacity and service for 500.

The School has many friends, would one like to present a trophy (cup or otherwise) for swimming?

Once more the boilerhouse in "the ruins" has been emptied by the Harrow Fire Service; but better still, this time they have almost filled it again with carbolic disinfectant, otherwise we might have wondered whence came that bad throat and those mosquitoes.

We celebrated Victory Day on June 6th with a Victory service in the Hall, at which uniforms predominated.  On the following day everybody enjoyed a delightful conjuring display.

Congratulations to O. G. Jones, who has gained a Scholarship for Natural Sciences at Magdelen College, Oxford; to W. E. Moffitt (1936-43), New College, Oxford, who has been placed in the First Class in Honours in Natural Sciences (Chemistry); and to G, H, Smith (1937-44), who has been elected to the Troughton Scholarship in Science, University College, London.

We say "Good-bye; God speed you; come back and see us." to an unusual number of ladies, gentlemen and boys this term.  The Editor's pen almost falls from his hand as he contemplates the task of expressing the thanks of the School for all they have done to maintain its tradition of solid work and sheer endeavour.  After an all too brief year, Mr. Ellis, whose appointment owing to the War was of a temporary nature, leaves us to win new friends in other fields of educational and social activities.  Mr. Davies closes a long career, and, elsewhere in this magazine, a richly deserved tribute is paid to him.   At th end of last term, Mr. Lunson was appointed to a post at Chiswick County School, and Mr. Owen Evans, by great good fortune, called to see old friends, and stayed to fill the vacancy.

After four years, during which he taught Religious Knowledge, stimulated boys to take an interest in spiritual things, and fostered the Christian Union, the Rev. R. J. Dyer leaves us to take up again duties as pastor of a parish.  One by one. Mrs. Harrandell, Mrs. Thomas, and Mrs. Hackman brought the farewell cake.  Mr. Webber returned from Easy Africa, but before many weeks had passed he accepted an appointment under the Colonial Office as Education Officer in Zanzibar.  Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Graham are with us until the end of this term.

To all these ladies and gentlemen the School expresses deeply felt thanks for sustained enthusiasm, the helping hand, and comradeship.  The Autumn term will bring us a new Headmaster, Dr. Simpson, who comes to us from Arbroath, and seven new masters.

It is a pleasure to see how well the School cricket field is repaying the skilled care and attention being given it by the ground staff and gardeners.  The heavy rolling, followed by several close croppings, gave it almost a pre-war look on Sports Day, and won the praise of all present.

During the recent "Battle for Bread" campaign in Harrow, each boy wrote under test conditions an essay on that theme.  The essay written by G. I. Cunningham (L. VI. Mod), was sent forward to compete with other Secondary Grammar Schools for prizes offered by councillor W. A. Harrison.  The essay was awarded the second prize.

With the end of this term comes the cessation of our use of the Laboratories of Harrow School.  This great boon has been enjoyed for seven years, and the generosity and courtesy of the old School to the young School in its time of difficulty will form bright patterns in the Gayton tapestry.  Our strong sense of gratitude has been conveyed to the Head Master and to those friendly gentlemen of the Science Staff  who helped us in so many ways.

We regret that paper to give the Gaytonian its green cover as in pre-war years cannot yet be obtained.

Source:  Gaytonian, July 1946 (edited by Mr. Sidney Fooks)

Who's Who in the School (prefects etc.) 1945-46

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