Harrow County School for Boys

Form VD, 1933-4, Annual Dinner

(D. J. Robinson, mentioned below, is Douglas "Cardew the Cad" Robinson, who became a comedian and actor)

With the "Breaking-up" in December, 1933, many members of this form bade farewell to schooldays and to establish continuity of friendship a First Annual Dinner was held on the final evening at Williamson's Cafe.  By Christmas, 1934, more had gone and by December, 1935, only six still remained at School.  The Third Annual Dinner was held on Monday December 23rd, at the Embassy Cafe, North Harrow.  Of the original thirty-four, twenty-nine had taken tickets.  It was a very foggy night and one or two unfortunately failed to arrive.  Most of those who did had to walk.  We had hoped that D. J. Bradbrooke, now "an apprentice before the mast," would be home to tell us of tales of the Southern Seas.   Still, we had Simpson, now of the R.A.F., Halton and D. J. Robinson, fresh from "the footlights glare," to compare notes with those of us who sit on office stools in accountants', builders' offices or insurance offices, use tools in a workshop or spend our days in the hub-bub of a warehouse.  Our old Form Master presided.

After the Loyal Toast and the toast of the School had been drunk, D. J. Robinson proposed the toast of "1933 Vd," recalling many incidents and anecdotes and coupled with it the name of Goodhind, who had acted as the Dinner Secretary for the third time.  Goodhind suitably responded.  Bright proposed the toast of "The Visitors," and Powell concluded the toasts with "Our Chairman and Form Master."

The tables having been cleared, games, the annual ping-pong tournament - won this year by Ray Goodhind - bagatelle, etc., were played.  Choruses, songs and solos were enjoyed and "Auld Lang Syne" brought this unique gathering to an end at 11 o'clock to find the fog somewhat lifted and 'buses again on the roads.

Source: Gaytonian January 1936

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