Harrow County School for Boys

Cricket 1950

The 1st XI were extremely lucky to lose only four players from last year's highly successful team.  Eric Heslop is again captaining the eleven and has enjoyed greater personal success this year with some good displays of batting.  Having been elected to the vice-captaincy, Hawken has regrettably been advised not to play for the rest of the season, and Carroll, the most consistent batsman of the season, has succeeded him as wicketkeeper.  Rose, after last season's slow start has developed into the season's most prolific run scorer, and together with Golding has been responsible for the big scores that have been made.  Of the remainder, Fear must be mentioned for his marked batting improvement, Wells for his brilliant fielding, and Henderson for his bowling promise.

The 2nd XI, with varying success, has been captained by Lobb, whose wicket-keeping (often with the aid of the umpire?) has at times been first class.  The batting has been marked by the improvement of Turner, and bowling successes have been achieved by Edwards, Howe and Hurd.

With few fixtures on their card, the 3rd XI have been hampered by poor fielding, and only Lyon for his bowling, and Webster for his batting deserve mention.

Of the remaining two elevens, Mills and Catto, for batting, and Mettler for bowling have been outstanding in the 4th XI.  the junior 5th XI have played extremely well to date, considering it is their first season of school cricket.  Sheriff, Morris and Smith have scored all the runs, and White has taken all the wickets.

B. J. Clifton (Hon. Sec.)

The following have represented the 1st XI this season:  Heslop, Hawken, Fear, Golding, Simpson, Wells, Norman, Henderson, Groves, Wayte, Hurd.

The following have represented the 2nd XI this season:  Lobb, Howe, Dawson, Edwards, Tapper, Clifton, Speller, Drysdale, Greaves, Hurd, Probyn, Norman, Wells, Turner, Ward, Hobling, Goss, Lyon, Giles.

The following have represented the 3rd XI this season:  Probyn, Lyon, Turner, Speller, Barnes, Webster, Gasson, Giles, Goss, Spedding, Copplestone, Kirtley, Parkinson, Wadsworth, Stevenson, Rollins, Glanville, Hook, Mason.

The following have represented the 4th XI this season:  Mills, White, Mettler, Kershaw, Spinks, Williams, R., McKenna, Thurley, Gough, Williams P., Alexander, Harris, Catto, French, Foster, Conway.

The following have represented the 5th XI this season:  Windsor, Mee, Morris, Boyle, Wallin, Laver, Smith, Pick, Burns, Udall, White, Taylor, Parkinson, Snaith, Peters.


Re-awards:  Heslop, Hawken, Golding, Carroll, Rose, Sanders, Fear, Simpson.
New Colour:  Henderson.

Source:  Gaytonian, July 1950

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