Harrow County School for Boys / Gayton High School / Harrow High School and Sports College


Cricket has been played at the School since it was founded in 1911, and boys from the School have played at the Local, County and International levels.  Dr. Alexander Simpson, who was Headmaster 1946-65, was wicket-keeper for Scotland from 1924 to 1934.  George Hart was a professional cricketer and played for Middlesex from 1926-1939.  Recent cricketers, who were at the School when it was called Gayton High School, include Mark Ramprakash and Angus Fraser, who is currently Managing Director of cricket at MCC.

Our ex-cricketers are slowly banding together.  A few met in London, recently. It has been proposed that we celebrate cricket in quite a big way - a match in 2011, a table at the Old Gaytonians Centenary Dinner etc. Would all ex-cricketers who are interested please leave a message on the Guest Book.

We have collected many photographs and some articles and extracts from school magazines.  If you have more or can put names to some of the faces, please send information and scans to jeffrey@jeffreymaynard.com. :

Scorecards:  1st XI v Staff 1955   1st XI v Staff 1956  4th XI v 5th XI 1956  1st XI v Staff 1957

Cricket Approximately 1924/6    Cricket Approximately 1924/6 (another)  
Cricket 1932  
Cricket 1933   
Cricket 1934  
Cricket 1935  
Cricket 1st XI 1939 (school year 1938-39) 
Cricket 1st XI 1940 (school year 1939-40) 
Cricket 1944 (article) 
Cricket 1st XI 1946 
Cricket 1st XI 1947  Cricket 3rd XI 1947   
Cricket Team 1948  Cricket 3rd XI 1948   
Cricket 2nd XI 1949   
Cricket 1950 (article)   Cricket 1st XI 1950/51  Cricket 3rd XI 1950   Cricket U15 XI 1950/51  Cricket circa 1950    
Cricket 1st XI 1951/52  Cricket 2nd XI 1951  Cricket U16 XI 1951/52   Cricket U15 XI 1951/2  
Cricket 1st XI 1952/3 (1)  Cricket 1st XI 1952/3 (2)  Cricket 3rd XI 1952/53 
Cricket - U16 or 3rd XI 1955-56   
Cricket 2nd XI 1957  Cricket 4th XI 1957  Cricket 5th XI 1957   Mr. Johns with a team 1957/58
Cricket - Harry Mees with a cricket team, boys who started school in 1952
Cricket 2nd XI 1958
 Cricket 3rd XI 1958  Cricket 4th XI 1958  Cricket 5th XI 1958    
Cricket 1st XI 1959  Cricket 2nd XI 1959  Cricket 3rd XI 1959  (this is now the correct photographs with comments)  Cricket 3rd XI 1959 (informal)  Cricket 5th XI 1959 
Cricket - 1st XI 1960 
1st XI Cricket 1961   4th XI Cricket 1961  Cricket (date unknown)
Cricket 1st XI 1962/63  Cricket U13 XI 1962/63 
Cricket 1st XI 1963/64   Cricket U14 XI 1963/64   
Cricket 2nd XI 1964/65  Cricket U15 XI 1964/65   Cricket: U13 1964   
Cricket 1st XI 1965/66  Cricket: U14 1965  
Cricket Fixtures 1968 
Cricket Club 1969 (article)  
Cricket Fixtures 1969 
Cricket Fixtures 1970  
Cricket Fixtures 1971  
Cricket 1972-75 (article)
1st XI Cricket 1973 
1st XI Cricket 1974 
1st XI Cricket 1975 
2nd XI Cricket 1976


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