Harrow County School for Boys

Clive Pigram

Clive Pigram, an OGA Vice President, died on Boxing Day Wednesday December 26th, 2012. Clive attended Harrow County from 1950 to 1957 and was by profession a Charted Quantity Surveyor,

In the late fifties and Sixties, he was a member of, the Rugby Club playing as a Wing Three Quarter for the A and 1st XVs and ran, as sprinter, for the Athletic Club.

Clive was an active member of Old Gaytonian Association, and was a member of OGA Committees throughout the 1970’s and 80, and was Executive Secretary of the Association Committee. He with Tony Rhoades and Geoff Spring set up the 300 Club, which has effectively funded the OGA since 1973.

Clive’s great contribution to the Association was recognised when he was elected a Vice President in 1987, the highest honour the OGA can award a member.

In the past two years Clive carried out two more tasks for the OGA, firstly he organised locating suppliers for the OGA Blazers and Badges and twelve Blazers were purchased by Members including Michael Portillo. More importantly, he presented at the OGA Centenary Dinner in March, the Association’s gift to Denis Barker, the retiring Chairman. Clive, probably the “best” OGA speaker I have heard, made a short witty speech which was exactly right for the occasion.

Clive’s main interest in his latter life was masonry. He was Secretary of the Old Gaytonian Lodge, a leading member of Ruislip Chapter, the founding Master of Ruislip St Martins and achieved high office in Middlesex provincial masonry 

“Clive was always a gentleman who was delightful to meet, for he had an exquisite sense of humour and unique ability to gently encourage those around”.

Geoff Spring


Old Gaytonians Association


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