Volume 34 - No. 12 of Gaytonian was published in November 1956.
School Officers - 1956-7
Head Boy: R. A. Shears
Deputy Head Boy: B. J. Holley
Senior Prefects: A. Drake, D. R. Bateman, A. D. Colhoun, B. Hampton,
J. A. Moncaster, P. Scott, B. A. Raiment, G. Lewin
Prefects: A. Drinkwater, J. Dulley, J. P. Roth, A. Pryor, D. R.
Russell, R. G. Stephenson, G. M. Stephenson, A. Oliver, J. Oliver, B. J. Mellors,
M. M. MacGregor, K. Childerhouse, B. Ellis, M. J. Weinberg, K. Pratt, D. Romano,
D. Thorpe, J. N. Wheeler, B. Hortin, D. Farrell, P. Gibbins, B. Lampard, P. A.
B. Pleasants, I. MacEwan, A. J. Hadaway, J. A. Bryant, Covell, S. R. MacNamara,
E. H. Austen, J. I. Jenkinson, J. Topliss, R. C. Gregory, P. Sanders, M. Sage,
D. Vincent, I. A. McLuckie, J. D. Steele, M. Seddon, M. Kaiser, D. H. Bone.
House Captains: KENTON - B. A. Raiment, NORTHWICK - R. G.
PRESTON - R. A. Shears, WELLDON - B. Hampton.
Captain of Rugby Football: R. A. Shears
Captain of Cross Country: J. I. Jenkinson
Captain of Swimming: D. R. Bateman
News and Notes
During the year five members of the Common Room left to take up other appointments. Mr. L. S. Adkins left us to join the staff of a school in the Channel Islands.... At the end of the Summer term four masters left. Mr. G. S. Maskell joined the Mathematics Department in 1949. His contribution in particular to the work of the Senior school was large, and his help on the games side valuable. He has become Senior Mathematics Master at Chippenham Grammar School. Major M. Campbell has shared the teaching of History since his appointment in 1950. Service to the School's C. C. F. followed readily on distinguished Army service during the war, and as Training Officer and Second in Command he has had much to do with the growth and success of the Cadet Force. Major Campbell has become Deputy Head Master of St. Alloysius College, North London. Mr. C. D. Pritchet was appointed to the Classics Department in 1950. The School has been indebted to him for several years as organiser of cricket. His efficiency as Assistant Adjutant to the C. C. F. will, too, be much missed. Mr. Pritchet is now the Senior Classics Master of Chiswick Grammar School. Mr. P. E. Richmond was appointed to the Physics department in 1954... He has become the Senior Science Master of Hayes Grammar School.
Newcomers to the Common Room this year are: Mr. R. H. Williams (English), Mr. A. Schofield (Chemistry), Mr. Wilkey (French), Mr. D. A. McEwen (Physics), Mr. G. Merkin (Latin), Mr. G. W. D'Arcy (History), and Mr. E. E. Wright (Mathematics).
We offer congratulations to the following: A. D. Smith on being awarded an Exhibition in English to Brasenose College, Oxford; J. D. Roche on being awarded the W. Isaacson exhibition in Modern Languages to Trinity Hall, Cambridge; M. Fowler on being awarded an Exhibition in Mathematics with Physics to St. John's College, Cambridge; C. T. R. Davies on being awarded a Choral Exhibition, with English, to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, D. Oliver, on being awarded an Open Scholarship in pianoforte to the Royal Academy of Music. State Scholarships were awarded as a result of the July G.C.E. Exams to J. A. Moncaster (History and English Literature), A. J. Pryor (French and Spanish), K. J. Fergusson (Pure and Applied Mathematics), C. J. Hooke (Pure and Applied Mathematics), P. A. Janes (Pure and Applied Mathematics), P. A. Pleasants (Pure and Applied Mathematics), D. R. Russell (Pure Mathematics and Chemistry), D. J. Thorpe (Physics and Chemistry), A. P. Bray (Physics and Chemistry).
An impressive list of theatre visits made by members of the School under the organisation of Mr. J. Golland includes the complete repertory of the Old Vic for 1955-56; Julius Caesar; The Winter's Tale; Henry V.; Othello; Troilus and Cressida (arguments are still heard about the Edwardian overtones of this production), and Macbeth. Schofield's Hamlet was seen at the Phoenix and formed an interesting contrast with Olivier's film, which the school film society presented in the School Hall. Marlowe's Edward II at the Stratford theatre was a more out-of-the-run production, enjoyed by senior members of the Arts Sixth. Other parties visited productions of St. Joan, The Burnt Flower Bed, The Waltz of the Toreadors and An Ideal Husband. The Regent's Park Open Air Theatre Group's As You Like It was seen by the whole of the fifth year, blessed by a glorious day. "Good pantomime stuff," snorted one of the sourer Sunday critics - but we liked it.
Mr. R. Millard, the School Swimming Instructor, was defeated by the weather in his attempt to swim the Channel. The worst conditions for many years, prolonged over several weeks, made it a hopeless venture. Mr. Millard intends to make a later attempt.